Mobile Platform for Augmented Reality Game Yang Liu Zhen Zeng Juntian Xia CITY ADVENTURE
MOTIVATION How about… Role Playing Game (RPG) in physical world? Interweave with virtual characters and stories!
CONNECTION If we know how to connect physical world with the virtual one… Location: Where am I? Orientation: What am I looking at? Triggers: If I want to press a button? Now, we can know all these by mobile devices!
VIRTUAL HERITAGE RESTORATION Game map: 3D model for the “restored” Old Summer Palace Look Render You look at the ruins with your cellphone Enjoy the full glory of what you are looking at! The device knows your location and perspective
RPG: FROM OBSERVER TO PLAYER Animated character Dialog happened when you are closed to the NPC Triggers: Tag in the physical world (See technical part below for details) Accept a mission by trigger the event point
MAGIC SCHOOL Look Render Experience Harry Potter’s life in your campus! Play role playing game in your campus with NPCs and your friends.
DECORATION RENDERING I bought a new house. It is empty. A decoration company designed the decoration solution. How will my room look like? Preview by our platform… Look Render Remember: What you are looking at, What you will get from the screen. Remember: What you are looking at, What you will get from the screen.
AUTOMATIC VIEW ORIENTATION Where am I looking at? Solution 1: 3-axis accelerometers and digital compass Solution 2: 3-axis gyroscope
LOCATING SYSTEM Where am I? Outdoor A-GPS Base Station Indoor: Wi-Fi MAC Address Signal Power
TRIGGERS If I want to press a button? Concept A “trigger” is a physical object that stores specific data which can be quickly and correctly read by mobile device. Implementation 2-D barcode NFC Tag Purpose Accurate location verification.
TRIGGERS Accurate location verification vs. locating system Consider a treasure hunting game How to determine that the player find the treasure? Near Enough → Find Open the box and take a picture at the 2-D barcode → Find Verification Locating
SUMMARY Mobile Platform for Augmented Reality Game Connecting physical world and virtual world View orientation Locating Triggers Role playing games in reality See past or future (Heritage Restoration) Build a fantastic world (Magic School) …