2 Outline General Information – Background Anti-Piracy Operations in the HoA The Hellenic Navy’s Contribution HN’s Experience Strategic Operational Tactical The Way Ahead Epilogue
3 International Endeavors to Combat Piracy Anti-Piracy Operations in the HoA (Broader Area) NATO: Allied Provider – Allied Protector – Ocean Shield (OCT 08-DEC 08) (APR 09-JUL 09) (AUG 09-DEC 12) TF 508 European Union: Atalanta TF 465 (Dec 08-DEC 12) Combined Maritime Forces (CMF): COALITION FORCES / CTFs (fully since JAN 09-TBD) TF Other National Forces: China – Russia – Japan – India Forces and Malaysia – Saudi Arabia – South Korea Units
4 SHared Awareness DEconfliction (SHADE)
E 40 E 50 E 60 E 15 N 10 S 5 S 0 5 N 10 N 55 E65 E 20 N 70 E Mogadishu Aden AREA OF anti-piracy OPERATIONS 53 E ARABIAN SEA SOMALI BASIN GOA Seychelles Mombasa POA 1 IRTC POA 2 POA 3 POA 4 POA 5 POA 6 POA 7 POA 8 13 N Coordination by SHADE Forum Meetings POA: Pirate Operating Area IRTC: Internationally Recommended transit Corridor GOA: Gulf of Aden Boosasso BAM (Bam-Al-Mandeb) South Red Sea INDIAN OCEAN Somaliland Puntland
6 Proportion of Forces Assigned and Statistics for GOA & IRTC for Somali Basin PIRATED ATTACKS DISRUPTION Legend: EUNAVFOR: CTF 465 SNMG-2: CTF 508 CMF: CTF 151
7 HELLENIC MERCHANT FLEET Top 5 Merchant Fleet Countries of the World by Owner GWT (for vessels above 1000gt) Source: Indicators issued from various sources such as ISL Bremen for World fleet and trading figures and Clarkson Research Studies for shipbuilding and scrapped vessels.
8 The Hellenic Navy Contribution NATO / OCEAN SHIELD -1 frigate + 1 Organic Helo (SNMG2 Unit) (from JUN 10 on a case by case basis) EU / ATALANTA -First Tactical Commander (CTG) on board HS PSARA (with 2-3 on board Staff Officers/FHQ) (JAN-APR 09) -1 Frigate + 1 Organic Helo (Dec 08-UFN) -2 Officers at the OHQ Northwood -1 Officer (Support Area Staff/FSA Djibouti) -1 Officer at the FHQ Afloat CMF (CTF 150, 151, 152) -1 Officer (Op. Enduring Freedom / USCENTCOM) -1 Officer (CTF 151 Bahrain HQ Staff / Planning Officer) -1 Officer (CTF 151 on board Staff)
9 Root Causes of Piracy Unaddressed Scarce Operational Resources and increased needs Logistics at all levels Major Legal Concerns Difficulties at Strategic Level
10 Difficulties at Operational Level Pirate Action Groups (PAGs) increase and expand Attitude of the Shipping Industry Info Operations
11 Well Organized and Powerful Enemy Military Structure Intelligence Gathering Infrastructure Logistics Support Tactics Timing Weather Area Difficulties at the Tactical Level
12 The Way Ahead Cooperation with the Shipping Industry Improvement of Coordination Through SHADE Evolution of Piracy (more equipped, aggressive, organized, interconnected etc) Need for a sufficient legal framework Face the root causes -> Regional Capacity Building
13 Regional Capacity Building / NMIOTC Delivering Training Tailored to the Needs of our African Colleagues
14 Epilogue
15 International Day of Naval History Naval Battle of Elli, Dec 1912Naval Battle of Lepanto, Oct 1571 Naval Battle of Trafalgar, Oct 1805 Naval Battle of Jutland, May 1916 Naval Battle of Midway, Jun 1942
16 The Battle of Salamis (480 BC) Gave substance to the importance of Sea Power Became a turning point in world history