Digital Photography Editing Dustin Turner CSIS 1070 – Living in a Digital World March 5, 2014
The Rule of Thirds The picture on the left shows the flower in the middle versus the right is focused on thirds, showing the flower and tree branch in thirds.
Cropping The left picture shows an uncropped picture taken from a distance versus the right picture has been cropped to appear more focused on the Lincoln Memorial.
Angle Shooting The left picture shows a basic front shot which shows the background whereas the right picture has an angle to it with more focus on the hat and is more appealing.
Detail Shooting This is my absolute favorite picture! The left shows a distance shot, which shows more detail on the fireplace. The right picture is very focused and detailed, which focuses more on what the picture is about.
Foreground Interest The picture on the left is a picture of Alcatraz versus the left picture shows Alcatraz with the ocean background and depicts it as more of an “island”
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