O-Mopsi Project Presentation Zhentian Wan,Vladimir Tikhomirov, Surendra Maharjan, Olawumi Olayemi,
Group Achievement on Mobile Side
05/08/12 Introduction O-Mopsi Game: A location base game. Design especially for children during SciFest.
05/08/12 Feedback From SciFest 1. What did you think about O-mopsi? Excellent (3), good (6), improvements needed (), bad () 2: Did you find guidance usefull? yes (9) no() 3. Was it hard to undestand the rules of the game? No (9) yes() 4. Was it easy to start the game? -All said it was easy or very easy What do you think about the user interface? Excellent (3) good (6) sufficient() improvement needed () bad()
05/08/12 Feedback from SciFest 6. What do you think about the game? Excellent (4) good (5) sufficient() improv. needed () bad() 7. Would you recommed the program to your friends? yes (8) no() I do not know(1) 8. Which part of the program did you like the most? automatic login () user interface() rules () map (4) finding a goal (5) saving a route ()
Group Achievement on Mobile Side Sound function Goal flashing function Compass function Shortest path suggestion function Mobile application testing for SciFest 2012
Sound Function: When the user get closer to a goal, the application would display a sound to tell the user that you are getting close to one goal. It will automatically choose the closest Unvisited goal, if the distance is in 300m to 30m, then it will play sound. Also when the user check one goal’s distance from his position, if it’s in 300m to 30m, it will play sound. When the user get closer to the goal, the sound will play in a more frequent level.
Control of the sound: To avoid noise, the sound won’t be played all the time. The sound would be canceled if the user doesn’t check the distance anymore. Also, adding the command, let user to cancel the sound by hand.
Goal Flashing Function: When the user select one goal, in the map, the goal will flashing every second, to tell the user which goal he is heading to.
Compass Function We use GPS data to do the compass function. The main idea of the function is to point out the direction of the goal from user position. Pointing the goal No.3
Shortest Path Suggestion Function We use Greedy Algorithm to make a suggestion about the shortest path for the user.
Group Achievement on Group Achievement on Web Side
Creation of the game Authorization Create game Get games/goals list Edit/remove game Add/remove goals of the game
Get games/goals List After the user log in, user will get the game list. Also when user checks one game he will get the goal list of the game.
Authorization User log in The list of the games Possibilities for the user
Create game function To create the game user needs to click the button “Create New Game” Input data for the create game function: name of the game and id of the user Automatically will be added to the list of games
Edit/remove game Edit game name function allows user to edit the game’s name. Remove function will delete the game from database after the removal confirmation Input data for both functions: the id of the game and the id of the user
Add goal function For addition the goals the user need to search for the existence goals After the user found the goal the “Add Goal” button needs to be clicked
Remove goal function For the removing the goals from the game the user needs to get the list of the goals and click the cross button
How it works? Server part of the web-site is taken care by PHP The information from database is got by SQL queries Interface was implemented by JavaScript For the connection between server and client, we use JSON and XML. AJAX is used for improve user experience.
More Implemented features on Website Show the bubble on the Google map Show the Goal’s Picture on the Google map Game Creation Interface Using AJAX to Improve Usability
Workload- Zhentian Wan Develop Approach Sound Function Research on how to route image with any angle using JavaME Develop GPS Compass & Goal Flashing Function Develop Shortest Route function by using Greedy algorithm & research on Genetic algorithm Test the Mobile Application For SciFest2012 Research on the Project Database and Google map Write XML,PHP Functions and MySQL Code for O-Mopsi Server Design and Build the Interface for O-Mopsi Web Page by using CSS,JavaScript Develop Game Creator for O-Mopsi Project
Workload- Olawumi Olayemi & Surendra Maharjan, Test PHP Functions O-Mopsi search Function Implementation O-Mopsi Project Coordination and Management [Olawumi Olayemi] Test O-Mopsi Mobile Application for SciFest 2012.
Workload-Vladimir Tikhomirov Implemented Game creation, Edit game and Remove game. Implemented Add and Remove Goal Function Test O-Mopsi Mobile Application for SciFest
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