An Introduction to MODFLOW II. Intro to MODFLOW
What is MODFLOW? Widely used ground-water flow simulation program that runs on any platform (Windows, Sun, Unix, Linux,…). Mostly written in standard FORTRAN (GMG is C++) Solves the ground-water flow equation with different possible properties, boundary conditions, and initial conditions First version, 1983, McDonald and Harbaugh. Written to serve USGS needs. Education emphasized. MODFLOW escaped! Public domain (Free) Open source (Anyone can check and change the source code) Changed versions are sometimes commercial – it’s up to the developer Well documented Modularly constructed (More later) Latest version: MODFLOW-2005 (Harbaugh, 2005) II. Intro to MODFLOW
What is MODFLOW? Cited in statutes, legally tested 250,000 hits on Google for MODFLOW Many other programs use results from or are based on MODFLOW: Public domain/open source MT3DMS (multi-species solute or heat transport, some reactions, dual porosity) (Chunmiao Zheng, U Alabama) MODPATH (particle tracking) (Dave Pollock, USGS) SEAWAT (density-dependent transport using MODFLOW and MT3DMS) (Chris Langevin, USGS) Phreeqc connections (PHT3D) (Henning Prommer) Commercial MODHMS-Surfact (Integrated sw/gw/unsat) GUI’s: Visual MODFLOW, Groundwater Vistas, GMS, PMWin, … II. Intro to MODFLOW
What is MODFLOW? What is MODFLOW-2005? Program organized into MODules Activate the capabilities you need; no overhead from other capabilities (execution time, RAM) The structure is clear and documented for adding additional capabilities such as new equations Modularity in ‘Processes’ and ‘Packages’ What is MODFLOW-2005? Latest release of USGS MODFLOW Internal computer storage redesigned to support storage of multiple models necessary for local grid refinement and facilitate linkages to other models (GSFLOW = MODFLOW + PRMS). Parameter-estimation, sensitivity analysis, uncertainty now from UCODE_2005 II. Intro to MODFLOW
Selected new USGS MODFLOW Capabilities Available Transport Link-MT3DMS (LMT). Produces files for use by MT3DMS (Zheng) SEAWAT. Variable density using MODFLOW and MT3DMS. Can also be used without density for transport. Ground-Water Transport (GWT) Package Solvers Link-Multi-Grid (LMG) Solver. Typically 10 times faster than PCG2, but uses a lot of RAM. Free to USGS users. Geometric Multi-Grid (GMG) Solver. Can be very fast! Multi-Node well (MNW) Interactions with overlying systems FARM Process: Sophisticated accounting for ET, diversions, etc related to agricultural demands. Streamflow-Routing (SFR) Unsaturated zone using (1) kinematic wave (UZF) and (2) Richard’s equation (VSF) MODFLOW-LGR. Accurate local grid refinement. Release in 2006 was for a single rectangular area of refinement. New: multiple refined areas. Hydrogeologic Unit Flow (HUF) Package. Define hydrogeologic units independently of model layers. Variable-direction horizontal anisotropy (VDHA). KDEP: K varies with depth. SYTP: partial accounting for free surface; numerically stable. Soon GSFLOW: Integrated surface processes represented using PRMS LGR with particles tracked between regional and local grids. II. Intro to MODFLOW
Who is MODFLOW? Collaborative open-source development with roots at the USGS Some USGS developers Arlen Harbaugh (MODFLOW, Reston, Virginia, USA) Ned Banta (MODFLOW-2000, Lakewood, Colorado, USA) Mary Hill (SA/PE/UA, MODFLOW-2000, UCODE, MMA, Boulder, Colorado, USA) Steffen Mehl (local grid refinement (LGR), SA/PE/UA, now at CalSU-Chico, USA) Stan Leake (compaction and subsidence, TMR, Tucson, Arizona, USA) John Hoffman (compaction and subsidence, TMR, Tucson, Arizona, USA) Dave Prudic (gw/sw interaction, STR, SFR, GSFLOW, Carson City, Nevada, USA) Rick Niswonger (gw/sw interactions, SFR, GSFLOW, Carson City, Nevada. USA) Paul Barlow (ground-water management, MODMAN, Reston, VA, USA) Randy Hanson (FARM Process, MNW, San Diego, USA) Alden Provost (HUF, Reston, VA) Dave Pollock (particle tracking, MODPATH, Reston, Virginia, USA) Chris Langevin (transport, saltwater intrusion, SEAWAT, Miami, Florida, USA) Lennie Konikow (transport extended from MOC3D, GWT, Reston, Virginia, USA) George Hornberger (transport extended from MOC3D, GWT, Reston, Virginia, USA) Some non-USGS developers Chunmiao Zheng (transport, MT3DMS, University of Alabama, USA) Eileen Poeter (UCODE, MMA, Colorado School of Mines, IGWMC, Golden, CO, USA) Evan Anderman (ADV, HUF, now at, photography) Henning Prommer (MODFLOW+PHREEQC, CSIRO, Perth, Australia) Wolfgang Schmid (FARM Process, U. of Arizona, USA) David Ahlfeld (ground-water management, GWM, U. of Massachusetts, USA) You…??? II. Intro to MODFLOW
MODFLOW-2005 Processes Processes each solve a fundamental equation. Of importance in this class are Ground-water Flow (GWF) Kh = S(h/t) … Observation (OBS) y = y′ + e II. Intro to MODFLOW
GWF Packages Packages each represent a type of system feature. Of importance in this class are Package that defines model layers and properties: Layer-Property Flow (LPF) Package Packages used to add/remove water at a specified rate: Well (WEL) Recharge (RCH) Packages that add/remove water based on head in the aquifer: General-Head Boundary (GHB) River (RIV) II. Intro to MODFLOW
How Processes and Packages Interact GWF Process OBS Process LPF Package Define K and S properties, possibly using parameters. Calculate contributions to the matrix equations No observations are now defined for the LPF Package. Possible observations are internal flows. RIV Package Define ricer properties, possibly using parameters. Calculate contributions to the matrix equations. River gain and loss observations can be defined. In MODFLOW, subroutines are named using the three-letter identifiers for processes and packages. For example, GWF1LPF6RP
Back to the world of users instead of programmers -- What is required for a simulation? Tell the program what capabilities to use Name file (NAM) Package input files for each process (only the GWF Process is always required) Basic (BAS6) (can define constant head BC’s here) Discretization (DIS) Hydrogeologic info (here, LPF) Solver. Here we use Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) II. Intro to MODFLOW
Activating capabilities Turn Packages on and define input files using the NAME file Example: # GW Flow process input files bas6 41 tc1.bas lpf 42 tc1.lpf wel 43 tc1.wel pcg 44 ../data/tc1.pcg . II. Intro to MODFLOW
Basics of Data Input List data Array data Data input using lists of cells layer row column …… Example: 1 3 43 ……. 2 62 53 ……. Array data Data input in arrays with one row for each row of the model grid and one column for each column of the model grid. Sometimes repeat one array for each model layer. # # # # # ……… . II. Intro to MODFLOW
MODFLOW is a calculation program What is MODFLOW? Input files (plain text or binary) Output files (plain text or binary) Visual modflow is a graphic user interface which serves to make the process of modelling groundwater flow, pathlines, or solute transport much easier. What visual modflow essentially does is to provide a user friendly environment for the user to enter the grid, boundary conditions and other aquifer properties. Visual Modflow then writes the input files that the actual codes Modflow and MT3D need to run. IT runs Modflow etc and allows the results to be visualised and presented effectively. II. Intro to MODFLOW
Often use MODFLOW through a (Graphical) User Interface Visual modflow is a graphic user interface which serves to make the process of modelling groundwater flow, pathlines, or solute transport much easier. What visual modflow essentially does is to provide a user friendly environment for the user to enter the grid, boundary conditions and other aquifer properties. Visual Modflow then writes the input files that the actual codes Modflow and MT3D need to run. IT runs Modflow etc and allows the results to be visualised and presented effectively. Results Maps Model II. Intro to MODFLOW
MODFLOW GUI Translate Execute Input MODFLOW Output Visual modflow is a graphic user interface which serves to make the process of modelling groundwater flow, pathlines, or solute transport much easier. What visual modflow essentially does is to provide a user friendly environment for the user to enter the grid, boundary conditions and other aquifer properties. Visual Modflow then writes the input files that the actual codes Modflow and MT3D need to run. IT runs Modflow etc and allows the results to be visualised and presented effectively. Output II. Intro to MODFLOW
MODFLOW capabilities used in class Class exercise MODFLOW Packages used Layer-Property Flow (LPF) Recharge (RCH) River (RIV) General-Head Boundary (GHB) Advective Transport (ADV) Preconditioned-Conjugate Gradient (PCG) MODFLOW Processes used Ground-Water Flow (GWF) Observations (OBS) UCODE_2005 capabilities used Sensitivity Parameter-Estimation MODFLOW capabilities used in class II. Intro to MODFLOW
Aspects of flow model creation Conceptual model Base map Grid design Areal Model layers (thickness can be variable) Boundary conditions Aquifer properties Pumping wells Recharge Time Here, describe selected aspects of capabilities used in class II. Intro to MODFLOW
Head-dependent boundaries Generally use many cells to define a feature. Here, shaded cells are used to simulate flow to compare to measured flow Q2-Q1. Other cells would be used to define the rest of the river. From Hill+, 2000 II. Intro to MODFLOW
Head-dependent boundaries For each finite-difference cell n: Qn = (KA/M)n (Hn – hn) (KA/M)n = Cn = conductance of assumed distinct streambed Often define Cn with parameters Cn=FnP1 Additive: Cn= Fn1P1 + Fn2P2 Hn= water-body stage hn= simulated head A Areal view of typical cell n Cross-section of typical cell n Cell center II. Intro to MODFLOW
Packages that represent head-dependent boundaries GHB Packages that represent head-dependent boundaries Positive q n indicates flow into the subsurface Negative q flow out of H q = 0 Slope = - Cn = (K A )/D flow out of E h (C) (A) (B) EXPLANATION the simulated flow rate at one cell (L 3 /T) (nega tive for flow out of the ground water system) K the hydraulic conductivity (L/T) of, for example, the riverbed or lakebed D the thickness (L) of, for example, the riverbed or lakebed the area of the water body within the finite difference cell (L 2 ) C the conductance calculated using K , D , and . is the simulated hydraulic head in the ground water system adjacent to the head dependent boundary (L); and is the water level in the water body or the elevation of the drain (L) is the botto m of the streambed GHB q=C(H-h) Important here: GHB: General-Head Boundary RIV: River RIV RIV DRN II. Intro to MODFLOW
RIV Package with hn below RBOTn (hn<RBOTn) Cell center II. Intro to MODFLOW
Pumping wells Well (WEL) Package List input: layer, row , column, rate (negative means flow out of the ground-water system) Rate can be defined using parameters Problem: If a well intersects many model layers, how much water comes from each layer? II. Intro to MODFLOW
Flow model creation: Time Steady state Inputs = outputs. No change in storage No time dimension: easier to visualize Errors in model setup more clear in results Transient Requires (often steady-state) initial conditions Requires a value for storage Stresses are defined using stress periods (time interval of input) Each stress period is divided into time steps (time interval of head calculation). Lengthy calculation times can produce large output files For some tips on when to “go transient”, see H.M.Haitjema (2006) Role of Hand Calculations in Ground Water Flow Modeling, Ground Water. II. Intro to MODFLOW
Parameters In the MODFLOW model for the class problem, parameters are used to define the following model inputs Layer-Property Flow (LPF) Package Horizontal hydraulic conductivity of model layers (HK) Vertical hydraulic conductivity of an implicit confining unit (VKCB) Recharge (RCH) Package Recharge rate (RCH) River (RIV) Package Riverbed conductance (RIV) Values of defined parameters can be controlled using the PVAL file. This makes it easy for users of UCODE_2005, etc. II. Intro to MODFLOW
Parameters Model Input C of river bed equals the value in the package input file times the factor in the package input file. Here, the factor is 1000. C of river bed = 1000 × 0.0012 The factor can be different for different cells. Parameters Model Input River Package input file PARAMETER 1 18 18 54 MXACTR IRIVCB K_RB RIV 1.200000E-03 18 1 1 1 100. 1000. 90. . . . 1 18 1 100. 1000. 90. 0 1 ITMP NP -- Stress Period 1 K_RB II. Intro to MODFLOW
Parameters and PVAL file C of river bed equals the value in PVAL times the factor in the package input file. Here, the factor is 1000. C of river bed = 1000 × 0.00116999 The factor can be different for different cells. Parameters and PVAL file River Package input file PVAL file PARAMETER 1 18 18 54 MXACTR IRIVCB K_RB RIV 1.200000E-03 18 1 1 1 100. 1000. 90. . . . 1 18 1 100. 1000. 90. 0 1 ITMP NP -- Stress Period 1 K_RB 6 HK_2 1.523554700000E-5 HK_1 4.619000000000E-4 VK_CB 9.903220000000E-8 K_RB .0011699900000000 RCH_2 38.39840000000000 RCH_1 47.55430000000000 Easy to use UCODE_2005 to change parameter values in PVAL file. II. Intro to MODFLOW
Flow model creation: Observations MODFLOW’s Observation Process allows simulated values to be compared to observations. Here, use it for the following observations Head observations At a cell Changes in head over time Flow observations Over the reach of a feature represented by the RIV Package II. Intro to MODFLOW
Observations Heads (HOB in name file) River Gain (RVOB in name file) Output file (“data 50 ex8._os” in name file) 10 0 0 50 1.E+30 NH,MOBS,MAXM,IUHOBSV,HOBDRY 1. TOMULTH (below, lay,r,c,ts,roff,coff,toff,obs) 1 3 1 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 101.80 1 4 4 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 128.12 1 10 9 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 156.68 . . . 2 18 6 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 142.02 1 18 1 50 NQxx,NQCxx,NQTx 1.00000E+00 TOMULTxx 1 18 NQOBxx,NQCLxx 1 0.0 -4.4 ts,toff,obs 1 1 1 1.00 lay,r,c,factor . . . 1 18 1 1.00 "SIMULATED EQUIVALENT" "OBSERVED VALUE" "OBSERVATION NAME" 100.209701538086 101.800003051758 126.954444885254 128.119995117188 . . . -4.41627883911133 -4.40000009536743 II. Intro to MODFLOW
Constructing input files In class we will either use 00-MFI2005.exe or the files will be constructed already. Instructions for using 00_MFI2005.bat are provided in class. II. Intro to MODFLOW
Execute MODFLOW Here, we will use 00-MFI2005.exe or already constructed batch files. Detailed instructions are provided in the exercise instructions. Basically, need to provide the name file filename on the same line (this is often done in a batch file) MODFLOW test.nam II. Intro to MODFLOW
Model results Possible results for class problem (depends on options chosen) Global budget (check for overall solution accuracy) Heads at each active cell in the grid at each time step Flows at each cell face Simulated equivalents to observations Often use software to visualize results. In class, use ModelViewer II. Intro to MODFLOW
Pathline Modeling Advective transport. Used here as a first investigation of transport predictions Requires: Flow solution Porosity – to determine velocity Starting locations The particle tracking is calculated using MODPATH, which uses results produced by MODFLOW. II. Intro to MODFLOW