Cameras we will use in photography 35mm Pinhole Digital and camera phone Creative tips and ideas Rule of thirds Design Elements Breaking the rules Technique and skills on taking creative pictures How to use light Cropping and editing planning
Types of Cameras 35mm Automatic Manual SLR Digital Point and Shoot dSLR (Single Lens Reflex) Pinhole Medium and Large Format Camera Phone Many others not explored here
Pinhole Creates a negative image Camera Obscura
35 MM Film Camera Single Lens Reflex-manual settings Point and shoot-automatic process Polaroid-instant development
Digital & Camera Phone Canon Nikon Penetax Fuji Olympus Leica
How cameras work Single Lens Reflex (SLR) images are reversed and upside down Images are more clear and balanced based on manual or digital settings Point and shoot What you see is what you get No way to balance or edit the shot ahead of time Manual vs digital imprint (film/card) Manual-exposure of a negative on film strip Digital-exposure on an SD card
Image Processing Darkroom Negative to positive Film or paper exposure Print to paper Develop using chemicals (Fixer, Stop bath, Dektol, water) Camera to computer Images exposed on a digital SD card Images transferred to the computer for manipulation
Darkroom Chemical process Developer Fixer Stop bath Water/wash Enlarger to shoot images Camera on a base Manipulation manually
Digital images Digital process exposure Computer based editing Easy process Easy manipulation
Plan out every photoshoot Research each idea you have Look through images to get ideas Print out and save images Write about your thought process Discuss details Make phone calls and face-to-face contact with your subject or background Collect materials and setup the shot ahead of the scheduled shoot
Shooting Skills Learning your own camera Manual settings Additional settings Comfort in holding the camera, adjustments Creating a great composition Lighting Cropping Rule of thirds Planning
Learning your camera Manual settings F-stop Aperture Lighting Additional settings Running/fast mode Portrait mode Comfort in holding the camera, adjustments Strap length Holding the camera
Composition Lighting Rule of Thirds Cropping
Lighting Natural Light Spot lighting Fill Light
Editing & Alternative processes Photoshop Dodge and Burn Blur Vignette Sepia Tone dye Cyanotype dye Photo transfer
Display of Image Mounting Social media Instagram Flickr Pinterest Gallery or museum
Review The camera The process The outcome