Post-WW II De-Colonization
What role did nationalism play in Africa after WWII? Do Now: “We prefer self-government with danger to servitude in tranquility” -Kwame Nkrumah What does it mean? How does it relate to you?
The Decline of the Colonial Powers
First, Second, & Third Worlds with a North-South Divide
Pre-Colonial Africa
Colonial Africa
Africa Today
British Colonies Were Some of the First to Seek Independence because Britain felt hypocritical about colonialism. War left her weak and unable to afford colonies. A New African educated middle class began to emerge in the cities.
Ghana: First African State to Gain Independence
Kwame Nkrumah Led the Former Gold Coast to Independence Educated at Lincoln Unv. in Penn. Schoolteacher. Preached nonviolence. Used boycotts and strikes. Ultimately successful by 1957 He saw himself as an African Lenin
Ghana today still needs to modernize Market in Kumasi. Sells shoes crafted from old automobile tires. Sprawls across 25 dusty acres in ancient Ashanti capital. One of the largest marketplaces in West Africa.
Kenyan Independence: 1963 London educated Jomo Kenyatta provided strong nationalist leadership. He was also a Pan-Africanist!! Mau Mau Rebellions made up of Kikuyu farmers weaken British settlers opposition. Kenyatta went to prison from 1953 to 1961.
Today famous athlete opened school for orphans Kip Keino, famed distance runner. Opened school for grades 1-8. Down road from his Baraka ("Blessing") farm. He and his wife, adopted more than 100 orphaned and abandoned children in past 30 years.
Senegal: Home of the Negritude Movement The Negritude Movement was created in France by a group of black writers who joined together to assert their cultural identity. These writers were inspired by the Harlem Renaissance. Negritude responded to the alienated position of blacks in history. The movement asserted an identity for black people around the world that was their own. Negritude made an impact on how the colonized viewed themselves.
What role did nationalism play in the de-colonization of Africa Do Now: “I have no intention of looking backwards. We are going to forget the past and look forward to the future.” - Kenyatta What does it mean? How does it relate to you?
Republic of Senegal Léopold Senghor was a Senegalese poet, politician, and cultural theorist who for two decades served as the first president of Senegal. African Socialism Kept positive relations with France after independence.
The Solitary Baobob Tree The national symbol of Senegal, baobab trees often mark burial sites and inspire the poetry of de-colonization…
I heard a grave voice answer, Rash son, this strong young tree This splendid tree Apart from the white and faded flowers Is Africa, your Africa Patiently stubbornly growing again And its fruits are carefully learning The sharp sweet taste of liberty. David Diop 1956
What role did nationalism play in the de-colonization of Africa? Do Now: “To the colonists, all means are good if they help them to possess Africa’s riches.” -Patrice Lumumba What does it mean? How does it relate to you?
Belgian Congo , Zaire (1971 to 1997), Democratic Republic of the Congo
Patrice Lumumba Patrice Lumumba was a Congolese nationalist leader and the first democratically elected prime minister of the Congo. In May 1960, some army units began to rebel against President Lumumba because he did not give them a raise and allowed some Belgian officers to keep their positions. Since the United Nations refused to help suppress the rebellion in Katanga, Lumumba sought Soviet aid in the form of arms, food, medical supplies, trucks, and planes to help move troops .
Coup in the Congo On September 14, 1960, a coup d’état organized by Colonel Mobutu removed Lumumba from power. On Jan. 17, 1961, Lumumba and two ministers were lined up against a tree and shot one at a time. The bodies were dismembered and dissolved in sulphuric acid, with the bones ground and scattered.
Protests after His Death His death was formally announced on Katangan radio, when it was alleged that he escaped and was killed by enraged villagers. After the announcement of Lumumba's death, street protests were organized in several European countries; in Belgrade, capital of Yugoslavia, protesters sacked the Belgian embassy and confronted the police, and in London a crowd marched from Trafalgar Square to the Belgian embassy, where a letter of protest was delivered and where protesters clashed with police. A demonstration at the United Nations Security Council turned violent and spilled over into the streets of New York City
Mobutu Sese Seko Ruled 1965-1997. Supported by U.S. as Cold War ally. Changed name to Zaire. Left “a house that had been eaten by termites” NYTimes. Reign described in 2002 documentary as an “African Tragedy.”
Mobutu Mobutu established a single-party state in which all power was concentrated in his hands. The nation suffered from uncontrolled inflation, a large debt, and massive currency devaluations. By 1991, economic deterioration and unrest led him to agree to share power with opposition leaders, but he used the army to thwart change until May 1997, when rebel forces led by Laurent Kabila expelled him from the country. Already suffering from advanced prostate cancer, he died three months later in Morocco. Mobutu became notorious for corruption, nepotism, and the embezzlement of between US$4 billion and $15 billion during his reign, as well as extravagances such as Concorde-flown shopping trips to Paris. Mobutu presided over the country for over three decades, a period of widespread human rights violations. He has been described as the "archetypal” African dictator.
Congo Makes Up for a Lack of Roads & Highways Congo River barge carries hundreds of passengers on its 1000 mile journey from Kinshasa to Kisangani. Many people travel on barges without shelter for as long as a month, crowded together with their belongings, livestock, furniture and wares for sale.
Today the Congo Is Experiencing Punishing War! Michael Kamber for The New York Times About 5,000 people fleeing the ethnic warfare in and around Bunia, Congo, sought safety at a camp on Monday.
Death in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Allure Rich Mineral Resources: Gold Diamonds Copper Have Often Drawn Foreign Exploitation.
Young Soldiers & a Victim
Child Rebels A child fighter in a rebel group stands watch with a U.N. armored vehicle in Bunia, Congo, where there have been reports of rape and cannibalism.
Algeria French settlers fought fiercely to keep Algeria a French colony. DeGaulle realized after the war that France could not hold onto Algeria by force. Independence came in 1962.
Algeria-Natural Resources The country supplies large amounts of natural gas to Europe, and energy exports are the backbone of the economy. According to OPEC Algeria has the 17th largest reserves of oil in the world, and the second largest in Africa, while it has the 9th largest reserves of natural gas. Sonatrach, the national oil company, is the largest company in Africa.
Republic of Angola 400 years: Portuguese are the first to arrive and the last to leave in 1975.
Republic of Angola After it gained independence in November 1975, Angola experienced a devastating civil war which lasted several decades. It claimed millions of lives and produced many refugees, eventually coming to an end in 2002.
Angola Left With Bitter Civil War Mateus Chitangenda, Fernando Chitala and Enoke Chisingi and their families have been displaced by war to the town of Kunhinga, in central Angola.
Going to School A father walks his daughter to school in Kuito, Angola. All students in the town bring their own small benches to class.
Africa: 2000
Nigerians today travel the same way as the Congolese
Nigeria Struggles With Ethnic & Religious Rivalries Nigerian Muslims welcome Sharia law. January 2000
Nigerian Oil During the oil boom of the 1970s, Nigeria joined OPEC and the huge revenue generated made the economy richer. Despite huge revenues from oil production and sale, the military administration did little to improve the standard of living of the population, help small and medium businesses, or invest in infrastructure. As oil production and revenue rose, the Nigerian government became increasingly dependent on oil revenues and the international commodity markets for budgetary and economic concerns. It did not develop other sources of the economy for economic stability.
Sharia Law
This adulterous woman was sentenced to death by stoning
Woldwide attention has given her hope Amnesty International is campaigning against the stoning sentence July 2002.
Some find Sharia a blessing I Thank God for the Amputation – Buba Jangebe
South Africa
Nelson Mandela jailed for 20 years in his fight against Apartheid
Lived to vote in the first racially democratic election 1994
And Become President of South Africa South African President Nelson Mandela, center, flanked by his two deputy presidents, Thabo Mbeki, left and F.W. de Klerk, right, celebrate the new constitution, May 8, 1996. (AP/WWP Photo Leon Muller)
Age-Group Differences
Less Developed Regions
Global Water Stress
Share of World’s GDP
Health Statistics
Bits Per Capita: An Information Revolution?
All across Africa using ICTs for social and economic development (Information and communication technologies)
A Cyber Shepherd in Senegal’s Sahel 2004-04-15 Pastoralists tracking wandering cattle herds using cell phones and Global Positioning Systems.
South Africa: Eco-tourism Small tourist businesses operating out of the townships attracting customers from around the world by using the Internet.
Mozambique stops poaching with radios
Healthcare in Uganda A health care worker conducting a survey using a PDA. (SATELLIFE Photo: Mark Grabowsky)