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Presentation transcript:

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Trans Formers Missing Word Just the Facts Prayer Well Versed Miraculous Feats

Me + Anything = ______________ __

Me + Anything = Nothing

Jesus + Nothing = ______________ __

Jesus + Nothing = Everything

Me + Jesus = ______________ __

Me + Jesus = Victory!

The story of Josiah showed us that we should always “Be O_______”

Be Obedient

Forgiveness is Unl________, Co____, Exp______ & Ne_______

Forgiveness is Unlimited, Costly, Expected & Needed

When Jesus fed the 5,000 the little boy ______ what he had to Jesus.

Gave what he had to Jesus.

When the disciples were in the storm, they saw that Jesus allowed the t____ time.

Jesus allowed the tough time

Jesus had mercy on the 10 diseased guys because they c____ ___ to Jesus.

Cried Out to Jesus

From the parable of the unforgiving servant, we see that the debt we owe _____.

Our debt is huge, unrepayable, or similar

What are the three possible responses when God offers people a pardon from sin and the gift of eternal life?

Ignore Reject Accept

What food did Jesus give to over 5,000 people?

Fish and Bread

What did the lepers have to cry out as people walked by?

Unclean, unclean

Why did the priests say that Jesus was blaspheming?

Only God can forgive sins

What is leprosy a picture of in our own lives?


What was the first and biggest miracle that Jesus performed for the paralytic?

Jesus forgave his sins

Of the 10 men Jesus healed, how many came back to thank him?

Only one man

After the king forgave his servant a huge debt, what did that servant do to the guy who owed him money?

Had the servant thrown into prison

Why did the four guys bring their friend to Jesus?

So that he could be healed

What were Josiah and the priests surprised to find when they cleaned God’s temple?

A Bible (Book of the Law)

What big feast did Josiah celebrate to remember what God had done?

The Passover

In Luke 11, what did Jesus’ disciples ask him to teach them?

How to pray

C_______ is the step of prayer when we admit our sins to God


A________ is the step of prayer when we tell God how much we love Him


P_______ is the step of prayer when we thank God for what He has done


S_________ is the last step of prayer, when we bring our requests to God


“that I may know Him and the power of His__________, and may share His _______, becoming like Him in His ________”

“that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and may share His sufferings, becoming like Him in His death”

“Jesus immediately reached out his ____ and took hold of him, saying to him, "O you of little _____, why did you _____?"

“Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"

“So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not _______ your brother from your _____."

“So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart."

“I press on toward the ____ for the _____ of the upward call of God in ______ _____.”

“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

“And He said to him, ‘____ and go your way; your _____ has made you ____.’”

“And He said to him, ‘Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well.’”

Make your wager

INDIVIDUALLY: draw out the bridge illustration. Leaders collect the sheets and tally the number fully completed.

FULLY COMPLETED: Step One: Fellowship with God at creation Step Two: Our sin separates us from God Step Three: Our works and efforts can’t bridge the gap Step Four: Jesus’ death on the cross and our belief reunites us with God