Pointilism Mike Burge EDCP
Signac Seurat
Teaching it ~ Easy for all ages to create. Markers or paints ~ No special setup. You may want an outlined drawing for younger students. ~ Art is created with simple dots, but can portray and dynamic finished product. ~ You must not mix color together, but use pure color, creating more challenge to create a certain depth. ~ Process – time to practice and explore colour development Objective – understanding colour and how the eye sees colour.
The Science of optics Wavelength and how colours make up white light. The science of colours, primary colours and the colour wheel. Optical illusions
“At The Time of Anarchy” “At The Time of Harmony” How do these words differ? Signac – Artist bending to societal pressure. What are some other examples of artists bending to pressures to have their art seen? Standing up to pressure?
Every dot is important. Every person is important. You are important.
Digital Photography Photographic editing and touch up Pixel Puzzle
Pointilism The colour is intended to combine and blend not on the canvas but in the viewer’s eye.