Entrepreneurs Foundation: Maximizing Your Community Benefit Program Through Marketing Meg Garlinghouse Yahoo! for Good September 12, 2007
Yahoo! for Good Strategy: Leverage our biggest assets to make a difference in the world: 500mm community of users Products/Services Employees Focus: Environment Background: 9/11 Resources Unintended Benefits: Customer engagement (brand) Product engagement (loyalty) Employee engagement (recruitment/retention) Executive endorsement Sustainable programs
Yahoo! for Good: Focusing on best assets – Why? Our core competency: Creating communities Online marketing Designing compelling sites Keeping users engaged Not our core competency: Running a nonprofit Writing checks What this means: Philanthropy is integrated into everything we do – not a separate initiative Yahoo! for Good reports into Global Brand Marketing Thinking differently about success metrics
Examples of our community making a difference
Yahoo! and Green: a 360 approach Global Operations Employees Bran d Product
Yahoo! Answers: Knowledge and Social Impact “What are some simple steps or creative ideas that people can take at home and work to combat global warming?” “What can we do to help teen girls build self-esteem, overcome insecurities and form supportive relationships?” “If you were given $1,000 to change the life of a perfect stranger, what would you do?” “What are the key ingredients to a great game show host?” “ What do you believe the monster in 'Lost' really is?” “What can we do to make poverty history?”
Examples of Questions asked on Yahoo! Answers “What do you think we should do to improve health care in America?” “How do we get more people engaged in the democratic process?” “How can the human race survive the next hundred years?” “What do you think it will take to reverse the effects of global climate change?” “What would you do to stop wasteful government spending in Washington?” “What was the most under- reported story of 2006 and what makes it so important?” “ What has locked you into making the same relationship mistakes again and again?” “ What are you doing to empower women in your community?"
Voter Registration campaign – over 1mm
Yahoo! and Disaster Relief 9/11: $30mm Tsunami: $16mm Hurricane Katrina: $60mm
Y! for Good Scrum program, Hackers with Heart
High touch philanthropy trend
Lessons Learned Limited resources can sometimes be an asset; it forces use to be strategic, creative and resourceful Focus Be Authentic Focus Get buy-in from throughout the company Focus Think different Who you report into matters