Civil Rights Movement - Part 2 Quiz Review Game
Explain long-term factors and the spark that started the riots. Long-term factors:Spark: Police-Community relations-Arrest of black cab driver Political exclusion-Beaten by police Urban Renewal Unemployment & poverty Uninhabitable housing Demographic change
1 – Freedom Summer 1964 effort to register African American voters in Mississippi
12 - What impact did Malcolm X have on the civil rights movement? Many young AA’s felt they needed to continue his legacy Carmichael used the term “black power” Development of the Black Panther Party
3 – Voting Rights Act of 1965 Banned literacy tests and empowered the federal government to oversee voting registration
13 - Why did MLK go to Memphis in 1968? “Poor People’s Campaign” Trying to convince the nation to do more to help the nation’s poor population
4 – 24 th Amendment Ratified in the Constitution in 1965 Banned the Poll Tax
10 - What impact did the protests in Selma, Alabama have on the nation? President Johnson called for equality in voting policies Voting Rights Act of 1965; 24 th Amendment
2 – Fannie Lou Hammer Activist involved in the Freedom Summer Gave testimony describing how activists were beaten, fired from their jobs, and displaced from their homes simply because they wanted to vote
6 – Malcolm X Difficult childhood Converted to the Nation of Islam while in prison in his 20’s – Was their top minister after being released from jail – Early on, preached a high hatred for white population Traveled to Mecca (holy city of Islam) and founded small acceptance of whites Assassinated in February 1965
14 - What gains did the civil rights movement make by the early 1970s? Eliminated de jure (by law) segregation Eliminated voting restrictions/challenges Raised poverty rates and HS graduation rates Thurgood Marshall appointed first African American Supreme Court Justice in 1967
9 – Black Panthers Organization of militant African Americans founded in 1966
11 - Why was the Kerner Commission founded? Investigate the causes of the Race Riots in Newark, Detroit, and LA
7 – Nation of Islam Religious sect headed by Elijah Muhammad Strict rules (no drugs/alcohol) and demanded a separation of races
8 – Black Power Phrase from Stokely Carmichael in 1966 Movement in the 1960s urging African Americans to use their political/economic powers to gain equality
5 – Kerner Commission Set up by President Johnson to investigate into causes of the urban Race Riots Found that racial discrimination was the single most important cause of the violence Proposed expanding federal support for urban ghettos