way the Milky Way galaxy a thoroughfare for travel or transportation from place to place
street Paris Street; Rainy Day a : a thoroughfare especially in a city, town, or village that is wider than an alley or lane and that usually includes sidewalks b : the part of a street reserved for vehicles
terrace Cumberland Terrace, Regent's Park, London A residential street on top of or climbing a slope
mall The Mall, looking east toward the Capitol, Washington, D.C. a: usually public area often set with shade trees and designed as a pedestrian walk b: a usually paved or grassy strip between two roadways c: an urban shopping area featuring a variety of shops surrounding a usually open-air concourse reserved for pedestrian traffic
walk Hollywood Walk of Fame a path specially arranged or paved for walking
garden Royal Botanic Gardens, London a:a public recreation area or park usually ornamented with plants and trees b : an open-air eating or drinking place c : a large hall for public entertainment
road La Route a : an open way for vehicles, persons, and animals; especially : one lying outside of an urban district : HIGHWAY b : ROADBEDHIGHWAYROADBED
alley Cobbled alley in the old section of Sibiu, Romania a garden or park walk bordered by trees or bushes a narrow street; especially : a thoroughfare through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots or buildings
avenue Liberation Avenue, Asmara a chiefly British : the principal walk or driveway to a house situated off a main road b: a broad passageway bordered by trees c: an often broad street or road
path A trodden track or way. A road, way, or track made for a particular purpose,such as a bicycle path.
circle a curving side street
lane a narrow passageway between fences or hedges a relatively narrow way or track: as a strip of roadway for a single line of vehicles
boulevard Roxas Boulevard, Manila broad landscaped avenue typically permitting several lanes of vehicular traffic as well as pedestrian walkways
crescent A bungalow on Willingdon Crescent, in New Delhi, India something shaped like a crescent
square Skanderbeg Square, Albania an open place or area formed at the meeting of two or more streets
plaza Plaza Mayor, Ecuador a public square in a city or town an open area usually located near urban buildings and often featuring walkways, trees and shrubs, places to sit, and sometimes shops
drive a : a private road : DRIVEWAY DRIVEWAY b : a public road for driving (as in a park) driving
court The House of the Horses an open space enclosed wholly or partly by buildings or circumscribed by a single building
place Place de la Concorde, Paris a small street or court