REASONS WHY PEOPLE SMOKE: Groups of = great 15 = great 12 = good 9 = yuk! 9 = yuk! Each know 5 Each know 5
What % of adults smoke? 90% 75% 50% 25% 2008 = 17%
WHY DOES IT SEEM LIKE SO MANY SMOKE? Smokers…Nonsmokers…Noticeable… Perception versus FACTS!
TOBACCO:STATISTICS: -46 million smokers (adult) 20% -46 million smokers (adult) 20% -1964: 52% men 32% women -1964: 52% men 32% women -1975: 39% men 29% women -1975: 39% men 29% women -1986: 29% men 23% women -1986: 29% men 23% women -1997: 25% adults -1997: 25% adults -2007: 23% men 18% women -2007: 23% men 18% women -2008: 17% (taxes up $1.86!) -2008: 17% (taxes up $1.86!)
What else might make less people smoke? Changes 6/2010: No free samples No more “lite”, “light”… Stronger Warnings… NYS taxes up = $1.60 per pack
TOBACCO: SURGEON GENERAL’S REPORT: 1964: “...may be hazardous” 1975: “…is dangerous”
SURGEON GENERAL: 1986: “…causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy.” “...may result in fetal injury, premature birth, and low birth weight.” “...may result in fetal injury, premature birth, and low birth weight.” “..contains carbon monoxide.” “..contains carbon monoxide.”
SURGEON GENERAL: 1986: “…quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health.”
Cigarette packs with warnings
Tobacco PSA
STATISTICS: yr. olds: 63% tried ************* grades 9-12 who do NOT smoke************** 82% daily 72% monthly 82% daily 72% monthly *************grade 8 in GCS who do NOT ***************** 95% daily 85% monthly
"If they got lips, we want `em." ‑ R.J Reynolds executive " Evidence is now available to indicate that the 14 ‑ to 18 year ‑ old group is an increasing segment of the smoking population. RJR Tobacco must soon establish a successful new brand in this market if our position in the industry is to be maintained in the long term." ‑ "Planned Assumptions and Forecast for the Period 1977 ‑ 1986" for RJR ReynoldsTobacco Company, March 15, 1976
"This young adult market, the 14 ‑ 24 group... represents tomorrow's cigarette business. As this 14 ‑ 24 age group matures, they will account for a key share of the total cigarette volume for at least the next 25 years." ‑ Presentation from CA. Tucker, Vice President of Marketing to the Board of Directors of RJR Industries, September 30, 1974
Marketing to Children
"To ensure increased and longer term growth for the Camel Filter, the brand must increase its share penetration among the 14 ‑ 24 age group which have a new set of more liberal values and which represents tomorrows cigarette business." ‑ 1975 memo to CA. Tucker, Vice President for Marketing, RJR "Cherry Skoal is for somebody who likes the taste of candy, if you know what I am saying." "Cherry Skoal is for somebody who likes the taste of candy, if you know what I am saying." ‑ Former UST sales representative, quoted in a 1994 Wall Street Journal article
Marketing to Children
"Today's teenager is tomorrow's potential regular customer, and the overwhelming majority of smokers begin to smoke while still in their teens... the smoking patterns of teenagers are particularly important to Phillip Morris." ‑ 1991 Phillip Morris internal document “Insider” – Russell Crowe
STATISTICS: -60% of smokers start by age % of smokers start by age 18 -Do you think advertisers and tobacco companies know this?
-Smoking costs $100 Billion/yr in Damages Health, life, home owner’s insurance increases to cover cost of people who smoke. Absenteeism-production is down so gross income is down = price of all products increases. STATISTICS:
STATISTICS: -Smoking causes 430,000 deaths/yr. -Secondhand smoke kills 53,000/yr. -1,200 die/day 3,900 try/day -8.5 million suffer illnesses
Mural on ceiling of smoking lounge!
DISEASES DISEASES: (quick reveiew) SMOKING IS RELATED TO OR CAUSES THE FOLLOWING: SMOKING IS RELATED TO OR CAUSES THE FOLLOWING: heart disease; stroke; S.I.D.S.; ulcers; pneumonia; lung cancer; heart disease; stroke; S.I.D.S.; cancer of the lips, mouth, throat, stomach, bladder, kidney, breast, and pancreas; ulcers; pneumonia;
30 Heart Attack
31 Brain Attack (Stroke)
DISEASES: frequent upper respiratory illnesses(colds, flu); asthma; chronic bronchitis; emphysema; blood clots; miscarriages; high blood pressure; infertility; reading problems in kids; blindness; ( ear wax) reading problems in kids; blindness; ( ear wax)
Smoking Cowboy!
90%+ lung cancer (80,000) 80% atherosclerosis- hardening of the arteries 90%+ emphysema- (no cure) 80-90% chronic bronchitis 25% coronary heart disease- twice the risk of death. Single most important cause. (188,000)
SHORT TERM NEGATIVE EFFECTS : DAMAGE DEPENDS ON: 1 age when you began 2 # of cigarettes you smoke 3 how many years you smoke 4 degree you inhale (Clinton Factor)
Bennett enjoys a smoke!
“There is no such thing as a safe cigarette. The terms ‘Ultra Light’, ‘Light’, ‘Medium’, and ‘Mild’ [as well as ‘Low Tar and Nicotine’] are used as descriptors of strength of taste and flavor. [They also indicate the average amount of tar and nicotine per cigarette.]
The amount of tar and nicotine you inhale will be higher than stated if you block ventilation holes, inhale more deeply, take more puffs or smoke more cigarettes. You may not inhale less tar and nicotine than regular cigarettes.
You should not assume that brands with [such] descriptors are less harmful than ‘full flavor’ cigarettes or that smoking such cigarettes will help you quit. If you are concerned about the health effects of smoking, you should quit.” -Philip Morris, Inc 2002
POISONS/POLLUTANTS:, 4,800 chemicals in smoke: carbon monoxide, nicotine, “tars”(200), lead, arsenic, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, plutonium.
Ban tobacco?? Economy 5-year plan: Retrain, redistribute, retool…corn vs oil…
CARBON MONOXIDE: Poisonous; takes the place of oxygen in blood, so decrease in athletic ability and ability to do hard work. Major cause of Respiratory Diseases; Heart Disease; Damages Fetus. Not filtered out! (4-6 hours)
NICOTINE: Addictive stimulant (drug) increases blood pressure and heart rate; heart has to work harder resulting in more heart disease.
“TARS”: Brown, sticky substance inside lungs. Ammonia slows down and Tars destroys cilia, resulting in more Respiratory Diseases. (colds, flu, “hacking cough”, etc.)
Do you want to be caged up with a lack of energy, fatigue, loss of breath, and more sickness? Or…do you want to be set free? Take control of your life and QUIT.
Quitting: Any method you choose must help break the mental (habit) as well as the physical dependence. The mental dependence is the toughest part of quitting. (see handout)
2 videos Free T-shirt if you get 100% 100% (as long as they last)