1. When Jesus arrived in Gerasenes, there was a man who came up from the tombs. What was wrong with this man?


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Presentation transcript:

1. When Jesus arrived in Gerasenes, there was a man who came up from the tombs. What was wrong with this man?

He was demon- possessed

2. What did he have the power to do because of his strength?

He could break the chains

3. What did the man do when he saw Jesus?

He ran and worshipped Him.

4. When Jesus crossed over to the other side of the lake, a man was there named Jairus. What did he do when he saw Jesus?

He fell at His feet

5. When did the women come behind Jesus?

When she heard about Jesus.

6. What was the age of the girl and what did Jesus tell her to raise her up

12 years Talitha, Cumi

7. Whom did Herod fear ?

John the Baptist

8. Why did Jesus have compassion on the people who came to Him?

They were like sheep not having a shepherd.

9. Whom did Herod call on his birthday?

Nobles, higher officers and the chief men of Galilee

10. In Gennesaret where did the people put the sick people and begged to heal them?

In Market place.