QUIZ pp Who was the author of ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES? 2.What is the central idea of this book? 3.What French scientist developed the GERM THEORY OF DISEASE? 4.Who was Joseph Lister?
A NEW AGE OF SCIENCE 1.THERMODYNAMICS 2.LOUIS PASTEUR 3.DMITRI MENDELEYEV 4.MICHAEL FARADAY Growing faith in the benefits of science Popularity of sci and tech achievement Increasing secularization Materialism Science as only path to truth and reality
CHARLES DARWIN AND THE THEORY OF ORGANIC EVOLUTION 1.Appointed naturalist studying plants/animals on a Royal Navy sci expedition HMS BEAGLE 2.Beagle voyaged to South America and South Pacific 3.Studied animals untouched by external influences 4.Developed theory that animals evolved over time and in response to their environment 5.Publishes – On the Origin of Species
ORGANIC EVOLUTION Natural selection = survival of the fittest ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES 1859 = theory of evolution THE DESCENT OF MAN 1871 = animal origins of man Darwin’s ideas highly controversial are we just another species of animals?
A REVOLUTION IN HEALTH CARE Clinical observation Germ theory of disease = LOUIS PASTEUR Principle of vaccination New environment for surgical operations a. anesthesia b. discovery of germs – ANTISEPTIC PRACTICE Preventative medicine Public health movement New medical schools Louis Pasteur
SCIENCE AND THE STUDY OF SOCIETY 1.Application of scientific approach to the study of man/human society = sociology 2.AUGUSTE COMTE a. positivism b. father of sociology c. total faith in science Auguste Comte – the founder of sociology