Comunicación y Gerencia Theme 1 - 2
Define what it means to be human. Today’s Objectives Define what it means to be human. What does the Bible say about humans? What are qualities, as God’s creatures, that make us human? To be human is to be a person, to live in relationships, and to be essentially good.
Who wrote the Bible? The Bible does not have a single author – it is a collection of 73 books which were written by many different authors over a long period of time. It is divided into two main sections – the Old Testament and the New. The Old Testament is the Jewish Scriptures which were used by faithful Jews before the time of Christ. The New Testament consists of books and letters written by the early Christians. Catholics believe that the bible was written by humans that were divinely inspired by God through the Holy Spirit.
What do we know about the Yahwist? He or she lived in the 10th century before Christ He or she has been called the Yahwist because of the name s/he uses for God. Around 950 BCE s/he wrote an account of how the Lord God had created the first human beings. It was then used as the first book in the Bible.
How to find a passage in the Bible A bible is a library – or collection of books. Each book contains chapters and verses. At the top of each page in the right or left hand corners you will see what passages are on a page much like that of a dictionary. There are 73 books in the bible. You may need to look for a book using the table of contents. The first number to the left of the colon is the chapter number. The numbers to the right of the colon are the scripture verses. Genesis 2:4-9 and 15-24 Verses Book Chapter
What does the story of creation say about humans? What does the bible say about humans? Read Genesis 2:4-9, 15-24 (Account of Creation) in the Bible What does the story of creation say about humans?
What does the story of creation say about humans? made from dust, God breathed life into man, male created first, given food from trees to eat, lonely, needed a helper (Eve), man was made of flesh and bone, Eve came from Adam’s rib.
What does the Bible say about humans? Humans are a creation of God 2. Humans are a mixture of earth and divine breath 3. Humans are good 4. Humans are male and female. Textbook – Page 9 and 10
The dignity of the human person What does the word dignity mean? “a being has an innate right to respect and ethical treatment” READ box on page 10 Can you think of a person or a group of people who fought to maintain the dignity of human beings.
Catechism of the Catholic Church The Catechism of the Catholic Church, or CCC, is the official compendium of the teachings of the Catholic Church. It looks at 4 major areas of the Catholic faith: The profession of faith – the major beliefs of out faith tradition The celebration of the Christian mystery – the sacramental life of the church Life in Christ - how Jesus intended for us to live in relationships with others Christian Prayer – how to pray as Jesus did.
What does the CCC say about humans? Humans are: Persons created in the image and likeness of God Called to happiness and holiness Rational and free Moral beings Capable of passions or feelings Blessed with a conscience Able to sin God created human beings with a desire for happiness. Hand-in-hand with this desire is God’s call to be holy. When we live in a relationship of love and gratitude with God and neighbour, that is when we lead holy lives and we discover true happiness.
Discussion What are the consequences of a society’s understanding of what it means to be a human person.
Christ & Culture Principles To be human is to be made in the image and likeness of God