Silas Saunière
He paints a pentacle on his stomach with his own blood Silas demands the location of “Holy Grail” from him
American symbologist Robert Langdon In Paris Sacred Feminine
He discovers series of symbols & codes on the corpse.
Silas tells The Teacher that he has killed all 4 protectors of the Holy Grail and the location has been confirmed by them.
A cryptologist and Sauniere’s granddaughter Sophie Neveu A cryptologist and Sauniere’s granddaughter
Leonardo Da Vinci & Mona Lisa Dr Langdon decodes the second and third lines in Sauniere’s message Leonardo Da Vinci & Mona Lisa
Find a key behind the “Madonna of The Rocks”
They find Sauniere’s deposit box and open it with the key Inside the box they find rosewood container which contains a cryptex A message delivery device designed by Da Vinci and can only be opened With password
Longdon & Sophie go to the house of Sir Leigh Teabing a historian To ask for his help to opening the cryptex
Teabing tells the story of the Grail.
He claims that Jesus was married to Marry Magdalene who produced a daughter named “Sara”.
Also he shows them the hidden symbols in the “Last Supper” And the Holy Grail is actually Marry Magdalene’s body
Silas attempts to steal the cryptex , Teabing attacks him
They escape in Teabing’s private plane into London to open the cryptex
Dr Langdon is betrayed by teabing who is revealed to be the True “Teacher”
Dr Langdon cracked the code “Apple” reference to “Isaac Newton”
They travel to Scotland where Magdalene’s remains had previously been hidden. But they meet other members of the secret organization (Priory of Sion)
It is revealed that Sophie is actually Magdalene’s descendant and therefore is the Current living descendant of Jesus
Back in Paris Langdon goes out into the streets and follows the Rose Line and finds the location of Holy Grail
Holy Grail buried under the pyramid in the Louvre.
Finally Langdon kneels above Mary Magdalene’s tomb as the Knights Templar did before him
The End