Sociology History and Influential Figures
What is Sociology? Sociology – the systematic study of society and social interaction Derived from the Latin word “socius” (meaning companion) and the Greek word “logos” (meaning the study of) – making Sociology the study of companionship
Sociologists O Study ALL aspects of society and the social interactions within them O Race O Gender O Politics O Any group of people Where interactions take place b/w them
What do Sociologists do? O Define the general, cultural patterns and social forces that pressure people into act in the ways they do O How? By examining people in the same social settings and facing the same types of pressures O Ex: College Athletes
Part vs. Whole O A key concept in Sociology is the idea that the individual and the society are inseparable – impossible to study one without the other O Dance without Dancers idea
History of Sociology O Ibn Khaldun (1332 – 1406) O Thought to be world’s first sociologist O Wrote about many theories of interest today: O Theory on Social Conflict O Nomadic vs. Sedentary Life O Description of Political Economy O Performed a study on a tribe’s social cohesion and capacity for power
Why? O Sociology developed out of a curiosity to explain human behavior O The first sociologists thought that the “rules” culture places on us influence us to act in certain ways
“Father” of Sociology O Auguste Comte (1798 – 1857) O Social philosopher called the Father of Sociology O Believed that social scientists could make society better once they understood the “unwritten laws” that governed society O Ex: Poverty, racism and poor education
Positivism O Sociological theory developed by Comte O Theory that any justifiable assertion could be verified through the scientific method and mathematical reasoning O Must be verified by experience/observation O Rejects all metaphysical reasoning or speculation
Emile Durkheim O French Sociologist (1858 – 1917) O Worked with Karl Marx and Max Weber to develop Sociology as an academic discipline O Studied Religion and its role in society O He believed Sociology was the science of institutions O He coined the term collective consciousness
Collective Consciousness O Introduced by Emile Durkheim O Defined as a “set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society” O Ex: US and the right to vote O Also known as groupthink, herd behavior or solidarity today (often extreme examples)
Herbert Spencer English Philosopher (1820 – 1903 Applied the Universal Law of Evolution to Sociology Believed that Society moves from the simpler to more complex – like biological evolution He called this the idea of the Social Organism
Militant vs. Industrial O To Spencer there were 2 types of societies O One simpler (militant) and one more complex and evolved (industrial) O Militant societies supposedly evolved into Industrial ones over time and social evolution O Militant societies – structured around a social relationship of hierarchy and obedience O Industrial societies – based on voluntary, contractually assumed obligations
Militant vs. Industrial Examples Militant – like a king and his subjects Industrial – like a social contract (ex: US Constitution)
Max Weber O Acknowledged as one of the first sociologists along with Durkheim, Comte and Marx O German Sociologist O Anti-positivism approach O Best known for his research on the relationship between the sociology of religion and economics O Asserted a connection between Protestantism and Capitalism
Anti-positivism O Theory pioneered by Max Weber in opposition to the Positivist theories of Comte O Believed that social action could be interpreted through understanding the purpose or meaning individuals attach to their actions – as opposed to pure empiricism (scientific observation)
Karl Marx O German Sociologist (1818 – 1883) O Arguably most influential, well-known sociologist O Wrote the Communist Manifesto O Most concerned with labor and class struggles (rich vs. poor) O Believed that capitalists are the best engine for progress the world ever saw – while calling them “vampires”
Karl Marx Video O LvgTE&list=PLE51BB185E987C42E#t=25 LvgTE&list=PLE51BB185E987C42E#t=25
O Believed that while capitalism was inherently progressive, it was also inherently exploitative O Believed that the working class would, and should, over- throw capitalist structures to create a classless society comprised of a free association of producers O Society should be a group of people with no power over one another, just working together for the greater good of each other
W.E.B. DuBois American Sociologist and Civil Rights Activist ( ) Dedicated to solving the problem of race through social science Believed that the only way to combat racism was by protest and agitation Similar relationship with Booker T. Washington as that of Malcolm X to MLK Jr. Believed the only way racism would be abolished and blacks to gain equality was by fighting for it
Booker T. Washington O American Sociologist (1856 – 1915) O Sociologist determined to combat racism – similar to W.E.B. DuBois O Had a more passive approach than DuBois O Believed the only way blacks would ever gain equality was by earning the respect of white people through economic gain and hard work
Facebook Project O Choose one of the previous 7 pioneers in the field of Sociology O Create a Facebook profile including: O Profile Picture O Status Update O 3 comments from “Friends” on their “Wall” O 3 past “Statuses” O 2 Friends O Profile Information
What will you be graded on? O Creativity O Friends, comments, statuses O The 10 items from the previous slide O Organization O Content O Must have Sociology content O Demonstrate your understanding of each of the pioneers in the field, their contributions and beliefs