Chapter 25 Review Questions
25.1 1a. In this model of the solar system – The sun is in the center of the universe. Heliocentric or Geocentric? 1b. True or False? ___________ Most ancient people believed that the Earth was the center of the universe because.
This scientist observed the moons of Jupiter and proved that a heliocentric model was correct. a.Ptlolemy b.Copernicus c.Galileo d.Kepler
This scientists proposed mapped out a geocentric model of the universe. a.Ptolemy b.Copernicus c.Galileo
Which choice lists order of planets and minor planetary bodies in increasing distance from the sun? a.Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto & Kuiper belt objects, Comets. b.Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Comets, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Asteroids and Pluto c.Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Asteroids, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto & Kuiper Belt Objects, Comets
These two forces keep planets moving in elliptical orbits. (Describe role of each)
25-5 (500 pts) 6. Distances in the solar system are measured in __________________ a. Metersb. kilometers c. AUd. Light years 7. Earth is ____ AU away from the sun. 8. One AU = _______ million miles
The darker areas of the moon were formed from lava flows that cooled and hardened are called ________________. 10. Which letter point to these areas made by lava flows? B A
25-5 (200 pts) 11. Explain the theory of the moon’s formation?
12. a. Name this phase! B. What comes next?
When the moon is in this phase there are: ________ tides (spring or neap). 14. The tides during this phase are _______ (weak, strong) 15. During this phase, the sun is (working with/ against) the moon’s pull.
What type of eclipse shown above? (Solar or Lunar) 17. If the moon is at location A, we see a _____________eclipse. (partial / total) 18. Why doesn’t this occur every month?
25-3 Name that planet! 19. Thick atmosphere of green house gases make up this hot planet’s atmosphere.
How is Mercury like Earth’s moon? (Circle one.) a. It has a thick house of green house gases. b. It has no atmosphere and extreme temperature changes. c. It is hot all of the time. d.It has active volcanoes.
Which choice is NOT a characteristic of the all the inner planets? a.Have moons b.Small size c.Solid, rocky surfaces and dense cores
25-3 (400 pts) 22. Describe condition on Mars – Tell me 3 things that are helpful to identifying Mars.
The atmosphere of Earth is mainly made up of these 2 gases: a. Carbon dioxide and oxygen b.Hydrogen and helium c.Water vapor and oxygen d.Nitrogen and oxygen.
Which choice is something outer planets they have in common with one another? a.They have rocky surfaces. b.They rings, lots of moons, and gaseous surfaces. c.They are all very hot. d.All of the above
Which outer planet is tilted on its side and has rings? a.Jupiter b.Saturn c.Uranus d.Neptune
What 2 gases make up most of the outer planets? a.Hydrogen and helium b.Carbon dioxide and oxygen c.Nitrogen and water vapor
25-4 (400 pts) 27. Use 3 words to describe Jupiter.
Titan is a moon of ___________. (what planet). Which choice explains why Titan is so unique? a.It is volcanically active. b.It may have a salt water ocean under its surface. c.It has a thick smoggy atmosphere of nitrogen and possible liquid lakes of ethane.
Pluto does not fit in with the outer planets and was demoted to “dwarf planet” because … a.It is too far away from the sun. b.It is more like a kuiper belt object. c.It has too many moons.
The far away zone of the solar system that has icy – rock bodies (like Pluto) and short term comets is known as the: a.Asteroid belt b.Oort cloud c.Kuiper belt
These are often described as “dirty snowballs”. They are made of ice with a small rocky core. They have dust and vapor tails when they get close to the sun. a.Asteroids b.Kuiper belt objects c.Dwarf planets d.Comets
This process involves combining hydrogen in star cores to make helium and release energy. It requires temperatures of 15 million degrees. a.Chemical burning reactions b.Nuclear fusion c.Nebula formation
Planets developed as pieces of dust and rock collided and stuck together. This process is known as: a.Nuclear fusion b.Accretion c.Nebula formation
The solar system formed from a spinning disk of dust and gas called: _________ 37. That spinning disk was called a: a.Proplanet b.Protoplanetary disk c. Oort cloud 38. True or False? ____________ Almost all of the mass of the solar system is in the sun.
Which choice is a reason why scientists believe that the solar system started off as a spinning disk of dust and gas? a.All of the planets move in the same direction around the sun and in the same plane. b.We have recorded observations of our solar system forming.
Rare Earth 40. Earth’s early collision with a nearby planetary object (Thea) helped Earth develop into a planet that could support complex life. EXPLAIN 2 benefits this collision had to the development of complex life on Earth.
Rare Earth 41. How has Jupiter helped the development of complex life on planet Earth? 42. Earth is in the “Goldilocks” section of the solar system. What does this mean?
Nebular Theory First fill in the blanks with the appropriate term. Then, sequence the events in the correct order by NUMBERING THEM. Step #_____Force of _________________ pulls most of the gas to the center of protoplanetary disk, causing an increase in temperature. Step# _____Previous star explodes – leaving a shapeless cloud of dust and gas, called, _______________. Step # _____Asteroid-sized planetesimals, collide and stick together in a process called, ____________________. Their size increases as they spin in the disk. Step # _____Gravity pulls the nebula together to form a flattened – spinning disk called a __________________________ disk. Step# _____Temperatures reach the millions of degrees, and _____________ ___________ begins. Hydrogen gas combines to make helium and release energy. The sun is born in the center of the disk. Step# _____Planetesimals grow into moon –sized ___________________ which will continue to grow into planets.
Answers 1.C 2.D 3.A.U. ; 1; 93 million miles or million kms. 4.Waxing crescent; 1 st quarter; 29.5 days (a lunar month_) 5.New ; Solar eclipse; umbra 6.C 7.B & D 8.C 9.They are close to the sun AND have NO ATMOSPHERE! 10.B 11. a.Largest: Jupiter b.Smallest: Mercury c.Hottest: Venus d.Most like Earth: Mars e.Most like Earth’s moon: Mercury f.Tilted on its side: Uranus g.Gaseous planet sometimes the farthest from the sun: Neptune h.Has a moon Titan, with an atmosphere: Saturn i.“Odd-ball” dwarf planet: Pluto 12.C 13.C 14.Nebular Theory
Answer Key 15. Nebular Theory First fill in the blanks with the appropriate term. Then, sequence the events in the correct order by NUMBERING THEM. Step #_3__Force of __gravity________ pulls most of the gas to the center of protoplanetary disk, causing an increase in temperature. Step# __1_Previous star explodes – leaving a shapeless cloud of dust and gas, called, _nebula_. Step # __5__Asteroid-sized planetesimals, collide and stick together in a process called, ___accretion_____. Their size increases as they spin in the disk. Step # _2_Gravity pulls the nebula together to form a flattened – spinning disk called a ___protoplanetary____ disk. Step# _4__Temperatures reach the millions of degrees, and _nuclear fusion begins. Hydrogen gas combines to make helium and release energy. The sun is born in the center of the disk. Step# _6_Planetesimals grow into moon –sized protoplanets which will continue to grow into planets.