Astronomy Final Project Completed by Table 3
Earth By Carl Tyson
Facts About the Earth Created 4.5 billion years ago Has 1 moon 3rd in the solar system 7,926 miles across in diameter Color blue, white, brown, and green Got it’s name from the ancient word “eaurth” 5th largest in the solar system
Earth Compared to the Planets
The Earth is made of… Rock Water Air (oxygen)
The Moon By Cara Hogan
The Moon is made of… 42% oxygen 21% silicon 13% iron 8% calcium 7% aluminum 6% magnesium 3% other elements
Phases of the Moon All of the phases of the moon in order are, New Moon, then, Waxing Crescent, next, First Quarter, then, Waxing Gibbous, next, Full Moon, then, Waning Gibbous, next, Third Quarter, and last, Waning Crescent. All of the phases of the moon in order are, New Moon, then Waxing Crescent, next First Quarter, then Waxing Gibbous, next Full Moon, then WaningGgibbous, next Third Quarter, and last Waning Crescent.
Facts about the Moon The Moon is ¼ the size of Earth. The moon is about 238,900 miles away from Earth. The moon is also the brightest light in the night sky, it does not give off its own light, but reflects the sunlight. The moon is the fifth biggest satellite in the Solar System. The End!!!!!!
The Planets By Sean Toner
Inner Planets Mercury 1st planet, 3,031 mi, No moons, Made of rock, Brown/Gray, Day is 59 Earth days, Year is 88 Earth days. Venus 2nd planet, 7,516 mi, No moons, Made of rock, Tan/Yellow, Day is 243 Earth Days, Year is 225 Earth Years. Earth 3rd planet, 7,926 mi, One moon, Made of rock, Blue/White/Brown, Day is 23 hr 56 min, Year is 365 ¼ days. Mars 4th planet, 4,219 mi, 2 moons, Made of rock, Red, Day is 24 hr 37 min, Year is 687 Earth days.
Outer Planets Jupiter 5th planet, 88,793 mi, 16 moons, Gas Giant, Orange/Yellow bands, Day is 9 hr 56 min, Year is 4,331 Earth days. Saturn 6th planet, 74,898 mi, 34 moons, Gas Giant, Yellow/Brown, Day is 10 hr 39 min, Year is 29.5 Earth years. Uranus 7th planet, 32,000 mi, 17 or more moons, Gas Giant, Blue/Green, Day is 17 hr 14 min, Year is 84 Earth years. Neptune 8th planet, 30,775 mi, 13 moons, Gas Giant, Blue, Day is 16 hr 17 min, Year is 60,190 Earth days or 165 Earth years.
Our Sun and Stars By Emma Palmer
Our Sun Our sun has layers just like Earth On the inside there is the core. Outside of the core there is the photosphere. Then there is the chromosphere. On the very outside there is the corona. Our sun is a middle aged star. In the 1700’s people thought that the earth was the center of our solar system. Over time people learned that the sun was at the center of the solar system.
The Stars in Our Solar System The diagram shows how we know the age of stars by their color. New born star young star middle aged star oldest star 20,000 Celsius 10, 000 Celsius 5,000 Celsius 3,000 Celsius
Life and Death of Stars 1- The nebula is a swirling 2-Gravity forces dust and 3- The newly born star is cool mass of dust and gas. gasses of the nebula press together. at 3,ooo Celsius. 4-The matter continues to 5- The star’s color changes as it gets 6- The star will change its color press to get hotter. hotter. and temperature over time. 7- It will use it’s last supply of 8- the core gets larger 9-The star gets so tight that it explodes hydrogen. while the outside gets into a nova, supernova or a mega-nova. smaller.