Protoplanetary Disk Evolution Science goal: A composite picture of gas and dust evolution chemical evolution as a tracer of planet formation Technical requirements: High spectral resolution (R > 10 6 resolve line profile) High sensitivity (better than W/m 2 ) High spatial resolution (< 0.025” for SFR < 400 pc)
Summary TelescopeStartOuter disk Inner disk Line profiles Spatial resolution No. of disks APEXworking+-+-few Herschel PACS + HIFI ---- hundreds few SOFIA GREAT-few CCAT few ALMA2011/ few Millimetron?? SPICA~ all FIRI> ??
Protoplanetary Disk Evolution Science goal: A composite picture of gas and dust evolution chemical evolution as a tracer of planet formation Technical requirements: High spectral resolution (R > 10 6 resolve line profile) High sensitivity (better than W/m 2 ) High spatial resolution (< 0.025” for SFR < 400 pc) Instruments (soon) available: Herschel (PACS hundreds of disks - hr/target, HIFI few disks, no spatial resolution) SOFIA (GREAT few disks - hrs/target -, no spatial resolution, very narrow wavelength range) APEX (few disks - hrs/target -, no spatial resolution, only cold outer gas)
Science goal: A composite picture of gas and dust evolution chemical evolution as a tracer of planet formation Technical requirements: High spectral resolution (R > 10 6 resolve line profile) High sensitivity (better than W/m 2 ) High spatial resolution (< 0.025” for SFR < 400 pc) Future Instruments: ALMA (spatially resolve few disks - hrs/target, only cold outer gas) CCAT (no spatial resolution, only cold outer gas) FIRI (with heterodyne: spatially resolve hundreds of disks, also gas in planet forming regions) Millimetron () SPICA (all disks, only integrated fluxes, very limited spatial resolution) - successor to Herschel/PACS