Created By: Haley H. and Shelby O.
The Sun’s core is 36,000,000 F. The stars are huge balls of superheated gas. The sun is in the Milky way galaxy. It makes its own light and heat.
The planet Mercury has no moons. Its surface is rocky with craters. The atmosphere is thin, containing oxygen and helium. The diameter is 4878 km. One day on Mercury is 59 Earth days. One year on Mercury is 88 Earth days.
The planet Venus has no moons. Venus’s surface is rocky. The atmosphere is thick and mostly carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Its diameter is 12,100 km. One day on Venus is 243 Earth hours. One year on Venus is 225 Earth days.
Earth has one moon. It’s surface is mostly water, with areas of soil covered rock. The atmosphere is nitrogen and oxygen. It’s diameter is 12,756 km. A day on Earth is 24 hours, and a year is 365 days.
The planet mars has two moons. Its surface is rocky and covered with dust. The atmosphere on mars is thin and mostly carbon dioxide. Its diameter is 6,786 km. A day on Mars is 25 Earth hours. A year is 687 Earth days.
The planet Jupiter has 16 moons. Its surface is a gas planet possibly with liquid hydrogen surface. The atmosphere is hydrogen and helium. Jupiter’s diameter is 142,984 kilometers. One day on Jupiter is 10 Earth hours. A year is 12 Earth years.
Saturn has 19 moons. Its surface is gas with no solid surface. The atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium. Its diameter is 120,536 km. A day on Saturn is 10 Earth hours. A year on Saturn is 29.5 or 29 and 1 half Earth years.
Uranus has 17 moons. Its surface is gas with no known solid surface. The atmosphere is hydrogen and helium. The diameter is 51,108 km. A day is 18 Earth hours. A year on Uranus is 84 Earth years.
Neptune has 8 moons. The surface of Neptune is gas with no solid surface. Neptune’s atmosphere is hydrogen, helium, and methane. The diameter is 49,538 kilometer. One day on Neptune is 19 Earth hours. One year is 165 Earth years.
Pluto has one moon. The surface is water and methane ice. Its atmosphere is methane. The diameter is 2,350 km. One day is 6 Earth days and one year is 248 Earth years.
The Asteroid belt contains 50,000 known asteroids. The largest asteroid is 1,000 km. in diameter. Asteroids are made out of rock and metal. It is located between Mars and Jupiter.
Solar System The Solar System contains galaxies, planets, the sun, the Asteroid belt, the Kuiper belt, and the Oort cloud. It also contains the smaller bodies which are comets, asteroids, meteoroids, and stars.
MERCURY: In sunlit areas the surface is hot enough to melt lead. VENUS: Venus rotates backwards compared to other planets. EARTH: Has the only known life in the Solar System. MARS: Has the Solar System’s largest volcano, Olympus Mons, that has a base larger than New Mexico.
JUPITER: “ The Great Red Spot “ on Jupiter is a gigantic storm that has lasted since the time of Galileo. SATURN: It has a wide, thin system of rings made of small pieces of rock and ice. URANUS: A possible collision with an earth-sized object that may have knocked Uranus on its side. As a result, it rolls around in orbit.
NEPTUNE: It is one of the windiest places in the Solar System. Winds top about 620 miles per hour. PLUTO: It is normally the ninth planet but its orbit goes inside Neptune and Uranus making it sometimes the eighth planet. SUN: The Sun’s surface is cooler than its atmosphere.
An asteroid is a chunk made of rock and metal that orbits the sun. There have been 26 asteroids discovered. Asteroids don’t have enough gravity to pull themselves into the shape of a ball. A comet is a world of dust and ice. Another name for a comet is planetesimal. Comets are found in the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud.
Stars are big exploding balls of gas. They are mostly made of helium and hydrogen. The Sun is the biggest star because it is the closest.
The Milky Way Galaxy has 200 billion stars. A disk, a bulge, and a halo are the three main components. Milky way’s mass is between 750 billion and one trillion solar masses.