1 Information and Publicity in 2007-13 programming period.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Information and Publicity in programming period

2 Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 Art. 69 Who: The Member State and the managing authority for the Operational Programme (OP) to provide information on and publicise co-financed programmes and operations. The Managing authority for the OP responsible for the publicity in accordance with the implementing regulation Target audience: European citizens and the beneficiaries. Aim: highlight the role of the Community ensure that assistance from the Funds is transparent.

3 Commission regulation 1828/2006 Information and Publicity: Chapter II, section I of the implementing regulation Main elements: Communication plan (art. 2-4) Information and Publicity measures, including minimum requirements (art. 5-9) Network (art. 10)

4 Communication plan Main tool for information and publicity activities Highlights the value added of Community assistance at the respective territorial levels Covers one, several or all Operational Programmes financed from ERDF and/or CF and/or ESF Includes: aims, target groups strategy content of the I&P measures to be taken -indicative budget -the responsible administrative departments or bodies -how it is going to be evaluated

5 Examination of compatibility The MS or the MA send the Communication Plan (CP) to the Commission within 4 months of the adoption of the OP, or the last of the OPs in case it covers several OPs. If no comments from the Commission within 2 months, the CP is considered compatible with the requirements. If comments are sent, the MS or MA has 2 months to send a revised version back to the Commission. If no comments from the Commission within the next 2 months, the CP is deemed to be put in practice. Important: The MS or the MA shall start info activities even in the absence of the final version of the CP.

6 Monitoring of the communication plan Implementation and examples presented during the meetings of the Monitoring Committees. Annual reports and the final report to include: –examples of information activities; –arrangements for the publication of the list of beneficiaries including the internet address; –the major amendments to the communication plan. Evaluation included in 2010 mid-term and the final reports.

7 I&P aimed at potential beneficiaries MA shall ensure that information on: the Ops, together with the possibility of financing opportunities offered jointly by the Community and the Member States through the OP is disseminated widely and is made available to all interested applicants. MA uses relevant circles to relay information. Important elements: conditions of eligibility description of the procedures criteria for selecting contacts for information on the Operational Programmes. MA shall highlight that: the list of beneficiaries + the name of the operation + the amount of public funding allocated to each operation will be published.

8 I&P aimed at beneficiaries Managing authority makes sure the beneficiaries are informed that…. …acceptance of funding is also an acceptance of their inclusion in the list of beneficiaries to be published.

9 Informing the public - MA responsibilities The communication plan to be implemented …. aiming at the widest possible media coverage NEW: minimum requirements: the publication of the list of beneficiaries + the names of the operations + the amount of public funding allocated a major information activity on the launch of the OP (even in the absence of the final version of the info plan) at least one major information activity per year, presenting the achievements of the OP, including the major projects (where relevant) flying the European flag in front of the MAs premises for one week starting 9 May each year.

10 Beneficiaries' responsibilities RULE: The beneficiary is responsible for informing the public about the assistance obtained. Operations with total public contribution exceeding 500,000: Billboards at infrastructure or construction operations; replaced by a plaque at the latest 6 months after the end of the works; Permanent explanatory plaque at infrastructure /construction operations or purchased objects; stating the type and name of the operation; no later than 6 months after its completion. The European emblem, the name of the fund and slogan will occupy at least 25% of the billboard and the plaque.

11 Beneficiaries' responsibilities - ESF The beneficiary makes sure that participants in the operation are aware of the Community funding for that operation, by means of a clear notice. Any document concerning such an operation shall include a notice of the co-financing. Those provisions apply also to the ERDF and the CF, where appropriate. The names of participants in ESF operations shall not be published.

12 Technical characteristics Measures for informing the public shall include the following elements: The European emblem European UnionA reference to the European Union A reference to the respective funds: European Regional Development Fund Cohesion Fund European Social Fund "Investing in your future MA should add an additional statement /slogan highlighting the Community's added value, preferably "Investing in your future Small promotional objects may contain only the European emblem and the reference to the EU

13 Networking A contact person(s) to be responsible for the information and publicity is to be designated by the MA for each OP. Additionally a single contact person for all OPs may be designated by the MS. The Commission to be informed. The Commission to set up and coordinate network(s) of these contacts = INFORM and INIO Objective: to ensure the exchange of good practices and the exchange of experience concerning the implementation of the communication plan. The Commission may provide backing for exchange of experiences in the field of information and publicity through technical assistance.