Investment companies Team 4
A Story 付智慧 Demo Companies 张建梅 Business Model 韩佳楠 Organization Structure 邱英 Target Position Requirements 吴进
Investment company Morgan Stanley Since 1997, Morgan Stanley has combined the complementary skills and resources of two powerful organizations: Morgan Stanley, established in New York in 1935, and Dean Witter, established in 1924 in San Francisco 付智慧
story story :蒙牛与摩根士丹利 story 付智慧
1.sign an agreement 2.Bring benefit 1.sign an agreement 2.Bring benefit 付智慧
Demo Companies 张建梅 —— Comparative Analysis of the Foreign Investment companies
Company size Asset management business Securities underwriting business Operational agencies Risk control capability Corporate governance structure 张建梅
Bank size 美林证券 ( 美国 ) 6023 亿 Net assets Companies 海通证券 (中国) 亿 Asset management business Total assets 亿 亿 张建梅 亿 同期我国所 有基金管理 公司
Securities underwriting business 高盛证券 ( 美国 ) $419 亿 The amount of funding Companies 中国几个较 大证券公司 $214.2 亿 Profits 张建梅
Operational agencies Europe and the United States CHINA Corporate mergers and acquisitions, asset securitization, financial engineering and other modern financial business 1. A market underwriting business 2. Brokerage and proprietary trading business in the secondary market Risk quantification techniques, Strengthening the risk management system There are 18.15% average ratio of account receivables in Current assets, At a high levels Corporate governance structure High degree of nationalization Risk control capability Corporate governance structure 张建梅
Profit model 1 Invested in the money or assets to obtain operating income. 1 Invested in the money or assets to obtain operating income. 2 Project party and capital matchmaking party bypass, and collecting consultant fee. 2 Project party and capital matchmaking party bypass, and collecting consultant fee. 3 Provide education training. 3 Provide education training. 韩佳楠
In China's financial market, the investment company often called “Investment bank”, so the investment company must have a lot of equity fund to realize the real investment operation. In China's financial market, the investment company often called “Investment bank”, so the investment company must have a lot of equity fund to realize the real investment operation. 韩佳楠
Trust Investment Company The original profit model: credit business, securities brokerage business Most of the trust and investment companies focus on application is real estate industry. 韩佳楠
Organization structure 邱英
The board of directors Executive committee Chief executive Chief investment officer Asset allocation and strategy research Relative income Investment department Strategy investment department Private investment department Special investment department Deputy chief investment officer Chief risk officer Legal compliance department Risk management department Risk management department Chief Operating officer operation department Finance department Information Technology Department Discipline Inspection commission secretary Ministry of supervision Foreign public relations Human resources The investment decision-making commission The risk management committee The international advisory committee Remuneration committee 邱英
The board of supervisors Supervisors long The board of supervisors office Supervision committee Audit committee 邱英
1 、 Foreign public relations 2 、 Human resources 3 、 Asset allocation and strategy research 4 、 Relative income Investment department 5 、 Strategy investment department 6 、 Private investment department 7 、 Special investment department 8 、 Legal compliance department 9 、 Risk management department Risk management department 10 、 operation department 11 、 Finance department 12 、 Information Technology Department 13 、 Ministry of supervision The main department : 邱英
Demand for jobs Job categories : (1) GM ( General Manager ) (2) The Department of Assets and financial (3) The Department of Investment and Development 吴进 (4)Human resources and administrative
Qualification requirements: 1. communist party of china 3. Professional knowledge and skills, good professional ethics. 5.More experience preferred. 4. Good communication skills. 2.full-time bachelor degree or above. 吴进