2 What do we mean by territorial cooperation ? Cooperation between MS based on geographical features: borders, sea basins, periphery, etc Structural Funds support for activities which decrease the negative impacts of borders or enhances cooperation and integration among partners who share a common space
3 History First INTERREG Community Initiative launched in 1990 Second programming period – INTERREG II (merging REGEN & INTERREG) Third programming period – INTERREG III (still on-going – 3 strands) NOW – fourth period but with INTERREG as a full Structural Fund Objective – European Territorial Cooperation (same 3 strands kept)
4 Main new features Objective in its own right (before Community Initiative Programme) – more visibilityObjective in its own right (before Community Initiative Programme) – more visibility Improved legal basis (Specific provisions for co-operation, EGTC)Improved legal basis (Specific provisions for co-operation, EGTC) Clear focus on Lisbon and Göteborg (more focused programmes expected – cross cutting themes linked to innovation and environment)Clear focus on Lisbon and Göteborg (more focused programmes expected – cross cutting themes linked to innovation and environment) 75% EU co-financing for all regions (in some cases up to 85%)75% EU co-financing for all regions (in some cases up to 85%) Total budget of 7.75 billion, Total budget of 7.75 billion,
5 How is it organised ? 3 strands: 1. Cross-border cooperation for direct cooperation between areas separated by a border 2. Transnational cooperation for activities improving integration within a specific space (e.g. North Sea, Northern Periphery) 3. Interregional cooperation to exchange experience and good practice in regional development policies
6 Cross-border cooperation sees the arrival of maritime cross-border cooperation – > new programmes appear (e.g. Central Baltic, South Baltic, Channel) Bulgaria and Romania included from the start as Member States
8 What do cross-border programmes do ? Essentially local in nature : Entrepreneurship and SMEs, cross-border trade, tourism and culture Protection and joint management of the environment Better access to transport Information and communication networks Water, waste management and energy management systems Joint use of health, culture and education infrastructure Judicial and administrative co-operation Particularly important to contribute to Lisbon and Göteborg while working on erasing the negative effects of borders
9 Transnational cooperation 13 transnational programmes, but slightly different geography to previous period:13 transnational programmes, but slightly different geography to previous period: Inclusion of Bulgaria and Romania Atlantic Area becomes Atlantic Coast with a narrower scope and geography 2 Mediterranean programmes merged into one CADSES split into 2 (Central Europe and South- East Europe)
11 What do they do ( ) ? Focus of trans-national programmes on : –Innovation, RTD, enterprises –Environment : water management, environmental protection and risk prevention (including maritime safety) –improved accessibility, transport, information and communication networks –sustainable urban development
12 What is new in transnational cooperation? Higher profile programmes Concrete projects with some investments Networking, plans and studies acceptable only if they prepare for concrete projects Some strategic projects, involving both regional and national authorities - may be inserted into the Programming document Not only open calls but also focused/thematic calls for projects
13 Four interregional network programmes covering the whole EU Interreg IV C – exchange of experience to improve the effectiveness of regional policy Urbact II – support to networks of cities Interact II – support for implementation of Interreg progammes ESPON – European Spatial Planning Observatory Network
14 Interreg IV C –Single programme covering EU-27 + Norway + Switzerland (no more zoning as in ) –A vehicle for Regions for Economic Change –Fast Track to optimise the transfer of experience and knowledge between regions –Networks between regional actors across Europe and across different objectives of Structural Policy to identify and transfer good practice
15 External Borders of the EU New Policy context – Neighbourhood & further enlargement Co-operation on borders with third countries financed through ENPI (European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument) Co-operation on borders with (potential) candidate countries financed through IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession)
16 IPA borders
17 European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation (EGTC) Creation of a new legal instrument at EU level with legal personality (binding Regulation, not a Directive) Member States free to delegate management of an ETC programme to an EGTC Regional/local partners free to run ETC projects as an EGTC Other existing instruments remain possible
18 How to set up an EGTC? Who can be a member? Art. 3 a)Member States (especially those without regions) b)regional authorities c)local authorities d)bodies governed by public law Art. 1(9), 2nd sub§ of Dir 2004/18/EC +associations consisting of such bodies at least two Member States (third countries?)
19 EGTC actions (1) –What can EGTC do? –Carry out TASKS given by its members Art.7(1) –Act within confines of tasks given Art. 7(2) –limited to co-operation in cohesion field Art. 7(3) –ONE member may be empowered to execute the EGTC's tasks Art. 7(5) What can EGTC NOT do? –Exercise of powers conferred by public law to safeguard general interest of State Art. 7(4): Police, Regulatory powers, Justice, Foreign policy
20 EGTC actions (2) What can EGTC do? Primarily implement cooperation programmes (EGTC signs grant letters as managing authority) (EGTC could be intermediate body for interregional priority axis) co-operation projects (ERDF, ESF, CF) (EGTC is the lead or another beneficiary) "Other" cooperation actions with EU funding "Other" cooperation actions without EU funding Ad 4.: Actions outside EU funding can be restricted by Member States to Art.6 ERDF-like actions Art. 7(3)
21 Useful websites abc/abc_en.htm