Introduction to the Solar System
OUR SOLAR SYSTEM n Planets n Stars n Sun n Moon
The Solar System All objects in the solar system stay together by the force of gravity. All objects in the solar system stay together by the force of gravity.
Our journey begins at the center of our solar system-- THE SUN n Let’s blast off...and explore
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3,2, 1, LIFTOFF!!
n Formed 5 billion years ago n Makes up 99.8% of our solar system n Made of helium and hydrogen
Rocky Inner Planets n Mercury n Venus n Earth n Mars
n a small, rocky planet n closest to the sun n covered with hundreds of thousands of craters
n small, rocky planet n covered with thick, yellow clouds made of sulfuric acid n Venus has no water n Venus has no moons
n small, rocky planet n the Earth has one moon n the Earth has oceans n the Earth is unique from other planets because it supports life
n the red planet n it is cold and lifeless n very strong winds and vast dust storms
Gaseous Outer Planets n Jupiter n Saturn n Uranus n Neptune
n the largest planet n the “gas giant” n the “great red spot” n you could fit 1,000 Earths inside it!
n Giant gas planet n beautiful rings made of water, ice and rocky particles n Saturn has 18 moons (the most)
n giant gas planet made up of mostly rock and ices. n tilted on its side n Uranus has 15 moons
n giant gas planet made up of ices and rock n Neptune’s orbit crosses Pluto’s orbit n Neptune has what’s known as “the great dark spot”
What About… n One of many Dwarf Planets (such as Eris & Ceres) n Orbits outside our Solar System
The Solar System
Remembering the order of the planets is easy... nMnMnMnMercury nVnVnVnVenus nEnEnEnEarth nMnMnMnMars nJnJnJnJupiter nSnSnSnSaturn nUnUnUnUranus nNnNnNnNeptune nPnPnPnPluto nMnM y nVnV ery nEnEager nMnM other nJnJ ust nSnS erved nUnU s nNnNice nPnPudding
Prepare for landing!