Gas + Dust= Plants + People By, Amanda Segro Astronomy, P5
The Planets Revolving Around! The planets revolve around very fast The planets also all go in the same direction The planets rotate counter clock wise!!! When the planets are rotating around they are not making perfect circles, to me they are making a shape like a egg
Photo of the Planets Rotating
Venus!!! Venus rotates in its own direction but is still rotating around counter clock wise. This planet rotates with the rest of the planets counter clock wise around the sun, but at the same time Venus rotates clock wise its self
Pluto Is Pluto still a planet or is it just Mickey Mouse’s best friend ? He actually is not a planet but maybe mans best friend The path that Pluto takes to rotate around our sun is not flat with the other planets He takes a journey with a path that’s more on a diagonal with a tipped journey
Planets besides earth! Each of the planets have their own style. The questions asked is what they may look like? Most of the planes don’t have cultivations on them, which means no New York City or Hong Kong. Most of the planets don’t have easy living habits. So it is hard for us humans to journey there, but we can always send robots. Even thought it maybe hard for us humans to get to other planets. It is a possible journey to happen in our future. Some planets don’t have moons. Which means that they either share moons or they just don’t have the joy of experiencing the night sky, and seeing the other stars and planets that are out there.
Living Conditions on Other Planets! It maybe difficult for the average U.S citizen to adapt a living on a planet like Mars or Venus or even Pluto 1 st there would not be the Starbucks at every corner or the random calls to pizza hut for dinner, because it may take a few light years to deliver the pizza! 2 nd the weather on both of these plants are very extreme in either direction, either is so cold that you may freeze with one step off your space ship or you maybe become roast beef with one step off your space craft
Living Conditions on Mars
The End!!!