Competing for LNG in the Global Gas Market National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Mike Zenker Barclays Capital Research (415) 765-4743 November 12, 2007 Please read carefully the important disclosures at the end of this publication.
At first look, LNG imports to the US seem to be booming Source country: Source: EIA.
Demand for Gas in the US driven by Power Sector Power Sector Consumption of Natural Gas Source: EIA, Barclays Capital.
Domestic Gas Production Challenged to Sustain Growth Source: Baker Hughes, EIA.
Growth in Global LNG Supply Source: EIA, Barclays Capital.
Demand for Gas More Robust Outside of Europe/North America Billion cubic feet per day Source: BP, Barclays Capital.
Price Competition: Other Countries Sign Long-term, Oil-linked LNG Contracts Significant premium of oil-linked LNG compared to US natural gas prices Source: NYMEX, Barclays Capital.
Outlook for Global LNG Liquefaction Capacity Additions Source: EIA, Barclays Capital.
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