What’s the Big Idea? An Overview of The Biblical Covenants
The Story of Scripture God’s plan revealed (Gen 1-2)God’s plan revealed (Gen 1-2) –To fill the earth with His glory… –…through human representatives God’s plan disrupted (Gen 3)God’s plan disrupted (Gen 3) God’s plan restoredGod’s plan restored –Storyline of the rest of the Bible –Through 4 covenants
“Covenant” A binding agreement between two or more parties
2090 BC The Biblical Covenants Abrahamic Covenant
1) Abrahamic Covenant –Genesis 12; 15; 17; 26 –Parties: God, Abraham, “seed” –Promises: Land, “seed,” blessing –Nature: Irrevocable and everlasting promise The Biblical Covenants
1) Abrahamic Covenant –Deficiency: No instruction or enablement to receive promises The Biblical Covenants
2090 BC Mosaic Covenant 1446 BC The Biblical Covenants Abrahamic Covenant
2) Mosaic Covenant –Exodus 19; Deut. 5; –Parties: God & Israel –Promises: Blessings and cursings –Nature: Conditional and binding The Biblical Covenants
2) Mosaic Covenant –Relation to AC: Provides conditions for receiving promises –Deficiency: Requirement without enablement The Biblical Covenants
2090 BC Mosaic Covenant 1446 BC The Biblical Covenants Abrahamic Covenant 977 BC Davidic Covenant
3) Davidic Covenant –2 Samuel 7; Psalm 89:1-4, –Parties: God, David and his “seed” –Promises: House, throne, kingdom –Nature: Irrevocable and everlasting promise The Biblical Covenants
3) Davidic Covenant –Relation to AC: Clarified “seed” promise –Relation to MC: King governed by MC –Deficiency: Still no desire to obey The Biblical Covenants
2090 BC Mosaic Covenant 1446 BC The Biblical Covenants Abrahamic Covenant 977 BC Davidic Covenant 580 BC New Covenant
4) New Covenant –Jeremiah 31; Ezek. 36; Luke 22:20 –Parties: God, Israel and Judah –Promises: Spiritual enablement and physical blessing –Nature: Irrevocable and everlasting promise The Biblical Covenants
2090 BC 33 AD 1446 BC 977 BC 580 BC The Biblical Covenants Abrahamic Covenant Mosaic Covenant Davidic Covenant New Covenant
4) New Covenant –Relation to AC: provides enablement to receive the promises –Relation to MC: replaces MC –Relation to DC: provides a descendent of David to rule forever The Biblical Covenants
2090 BC 33 AD 1446 BC 977 BC 580 BC The Biblical Covenants Abrahamic Covenant Mosaic Covenant Davidic Covenant New Covenant
The Biblical Covenants Abrahamic Covenant 2090 BC Millennial Kingdom 33 AD Mosaic Covenant 1446 BC Davidic Covenant 977 BC New Covenant 580 BC
Thank God that… He didn’t give up on us after Genesis 3.He didn’t give up on us after Genesis 3. He committed to fix what we broke.He committed to fix what we broke. All God’s blessings come to us freely through Jesus, son of Abraham, son of David.All God’s blessings come to us freely through Jesus, son of Abraham, son of David.