Searching for low mass extra solar planets via microlensing. Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, Virginie Batista, Arnaud Cassan, Christian Coutures, Jadzia Donatowicz, Pascal Fouqué, Daniel Kubas, Jean-Baptiste Marquette, Olivier Mousis, et al. (PLANET/RoboNET, HOLMES) Europlanet, Potsdam
1-7 kpc from Sun Galactic centerSun 8 kpc Light curve Source star and images Lens star and planet Observer Target Field in the Central Galactic Bulge
A planetary companion
Hunting for planets via microlensing Detecting real time microlensing event : OGLE-III and MOA 2 Selecting microlensing event with good planet detection efficiency Two schools : - Mainly high magnification events and alerted anomalies (microFUN) - Monitoring a larger number of events (PLANET/ROBONET). Networks of telescopes to do 24 hours monitoring : PLANET/RoboNET, microFUN Accurate photometry (Image subtraction since 2006) Real time analysis and modeling All data, models, are shared immediately among the microlensing community. Cooperation is the way to go ! OGLE-III has an online anomaly detector (EWS) MOA-II Detecting anomalies real time :
PLANET collaboration : Probing Lensing Anomaly NETwork (current members) M. D. Albrow, J.P. Beaulieu, D. Bennett, D. Bramich, S. Brillant, J. A. R. Caldwell, H. Calitz, A Cassan, K. Cook, C. Coutures, M. Dominik, J. Donatowicz, D. Dominis, P. Fouqué, J. Greenhill, K. Hill, M. Hoffman, K. Horne, U. Jorgensen, S. Kane, D. Kubas, R. Martin, J. Menzies, P. Meintjes, K. R. Pollard, K. C. Sahu, Y. Tsapras,J. Wambsganss, A. Williams, M. Zub Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, INSU CNRS, Paris, France Univ. of Canterbury, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Christchurch, New Zealand South African Astronomical Observatory, South Africa Boyden Observatory, Bloemfountein, South Africa Canopus observatory, Univ. of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark Univ. of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, U.S.A. Perth Observatory, Perth, Australia Boyden 1.5m
PLANET/RoboNet SITES PLANET/RoboNet SITES ESO Danish 1.54m Sutherland, SAAO 1m Boyden, 1.5m, CCD 2006, 2007 Perth 0.6m Hobart 1m, Brazil 0.6m, Robonet : Liverpool 2m, Canary Faulkes North 2m, Hawaii Faulkes South 2m, Australia Goals at each site : - 1 % photometry, - Adapted Sampling rate - Online analysis. Boyden 1.5m
OBSERVING STRATEGY, DECISION TAKING Homebase checks : - OGLE, MOA alert pages - results from Bayesian PSPL fits to OGLE data (Albrow) - results from K.Horne priority pages - data collected by PLANET/RoboNet and current fits He can ask for data to be re-reduced to double check anomalies. Then he decides an observing strategy, sampling rates for different events He issues anomaly alerts to the community. Homebase should be on the deck 24 hours a day for 2-3 weeks
Real time analysis system Data from all site uploaded to Paris every 5 min RoboNet SAAO Boyden Chile Hobart Perth Brasil Data stored in Paris Models updated Prediction of future behavior Alert if anomalies In Out
OGLE-2005-BLG-390 Coopération : PLANET/RoboNET, OGLE-III, MOA-II
AT LAST, A TEXT BOOK MICROLENSING EVENT Data in the anomaly from : PLANET-Danish, OGLE, MOA-II, PLANET-Perth Data outside the anomaly from : PLANET/Robonet, PLANET-Hobart Gould Loeb 1992, Bennett & Rhie 1996, …
A companion to this frozen super Earth ? Kubas et al., 2007 submitted Excluding at : 50 % Jupiter over AU 70 % 3 Jupiter over AU Core accretion models by Idal & Lin
Gould et al. 2006, MicroFUN, OGLE, RoboNet OGLE-2005-BLG-169Lb : a weak Neptune planet signal
A new Jovian analogue in a resonnant caustic system
4 5
5 microlensing planets, their time scale. Do gas giants prefer host stars that cause longer events ? Ie more massive ones ? KB
PLANET/Robonet/HOLMES (network of 9 telescopes). Now – 200? MicroFUN Now-200? OGLE III and MOA-2 - Constraints on Jupiters and low mass planets (down to few Earth mass) - Monitoring of high mag events - Monitoring of any mag events (PLANET/RoboNet, OGLE) Las cumbres plans ? A 1m observing in J from Antartica ? Network of wide field imager Earth Hunter + OGLE-IV + MOA ? Statistics on Cool Earth mass planets, possibly habitable zone. NASA mission MPF ( PI Bennett) to be re-submitted ? ESA DUNE mission (cosmic shear + planet search ) Abundance of planets in habitable zone. MPF : 36 months, 200 million stars, 4 fields of 0.66 sq2, FWHM=0.25 arcsec ~100 q Earth, ~6000 q Jupiter (q fraction of stars with planets), Mars detectable Current status of microlensing planet hunting
CONCLUSION Microlensing is probing “Frozen” planets. 5 microlensing planets for 3 scenarios : 2 Strong caustic 2 High mag central caustic 1 Planetary caustic 3 ~Jupiters, 1 ~5.5 Earth, 1 ~13 Earth (Probability of detecting Jupiters is ~50 times larger) Giant planets are rare, suggests 1-15 M EARTH might be common Giant planets in events with large t E (more massive stars) Several planets in “stock”… modeling underway. ~Earth mass planets on ~AU orbits to be discovered soon…