Naoise Stewart and Ewan Gracey
By recycling you are helping the environment in the long term.
Every time you buy something it has to be replaced on the shelf. Factories produce more and more to meet our needs.
We add to pollution indirectly by increasing the demand for manufactured goods. electrical goods for entertainment toys furniture clothing electrical goods for convenience cosmetics footwear
Shops encourage us to buy more goods than we really need. They want to make as much profit as they can. We like to try new things too. We are consumers.
Factories which produce more and more manufactured goods pollute the atmosphere directly with gas and airborne particles.
Non bio-degradable packaging also pollutes the environment. Packaging is expensive. Why pay more for expensively packaged goods, when the package is then just thrown away? Such packaging ends up in a landfill site and takes many, many years to biodegrade.
We also add to air pollution directly by using our cars when it is not always necessary to do so. Walking is healthierCycling keeps you fit too!
while global warming affects the environment and weather patterns. The earth’s atmosphere is overheating due to the hole in the ozone layer Acid rain is damaging buildings, crop sand vegetation.
This is also known as the greenhouse effect.
What can we do to help?
Of course! RECYCLE To make the most out of what we produce we must…
These materials can be easily separated for recycling at home. newspaperplasticglass
Use paper bags and cardboard boxes for carrying your shopping. They can be recycled, and they are also biodegradable. Most plastic carrier bags are not eco friendly because they are made from polythene which can take many years to rot. Very few are biodegradable. Others can be returned to the shop and replaced when worn out.
Our bins are overflowing with more and more rubbish. How many bags does your family produce every week?
Pollution harms the environment. The environment is a life support system that all living things depend on. If the environment is harmed, so are all living things.
Recycle your old clothes by handing them down to others and then donating them to a charity shop such as Oxfam.
Recycle ink cartridges by returning them to a factory for reuse Or find out about local hospices and charities which will accept these for recycling, as they are very valuable.
Cut down on pollution by encouraging your family to leave the car at home and either walk, cycle or take public transport
and avoid frustrating traffic jams
Take responsibility to help the planet!