Second Grade Our Mother of Consolation School Fall 2014 Our Solar System Second Grade Our Mother of Consolation School Fall 2014
Sun 8 planets In the middle The biggest thing in the solar system Gas star The sun is hot In the middle Sun The biggest thing in the solar system 8 planets
Biggest thing Very hot In the middle Sun 8 planets Gas star
Mercury No moon’s brown Smallest planet Rock Planet 1st planet from sun Smallest planet Mercury Rock Planet Mercury is the messenger of the gods brown No moon’s
mercury no moons Smallest planet Rock planet messger of the roman gods 1st planet from the sun mercury no moons Rock planet Brown
Venus No moon Same size as the earth No rings Rock planet 2 of the sun
Venus 2nd planet from the sun Venus has 9 moons Gray and brown Same size as Earth 2nd planet from the sun Venus has 9 moons Venus Gray and brown Rock planet It is from old Rome
Earth Rock planet The name came from old Englis and Germanlc language The diameter of Earth is 7,926 miles Bule and Green Earth Earth has 1 moon Rock planet The Earth is the 3 planet from the Sun
To support life its physical Same size as venis 3 Earth Earth 0Ea Rock Planet Blue & green & white 1 moon
Mars Color red 7 smallest 2 moons Named from god of wars Rock planet 4th planet from sun Named from god of wars Mars Rock planet
Mars Rock planet 2 tiny moons The name came from the god of war 4th planet Mars 7th smallest Red Planet Rock planet
Asteroid Belt millions of asteroids in the Belt The Asteroid Belt has 1 tiny moon Asteroid Belt Made of rock, ice, dust It is 93,000 miles wide Located between Mars and Jupiter
Jupiter Biggest planet Red Jupiter has a Great Red spot.It is a storm.It has lasted for over 300 years. Biggest planet Gas planet Jupiter Red 5th from the sun
Jupiter brown Gas planet Son of jupiter Biggest planet 16 moons Fifth planet from the sun
Saturn 763 earths could fit inside it. 60 known moons. Saturn 6th planet from sun. Gas planet Father of Jupiter and son of Uranus.
Saturn Pale Yellow 120, 500 Father of Jupiter 52 Moons Sixth planet from Sun Saturn Father of Jupiter Gas Planet Pale Yellow 52 Moons
Uranus #3 biggest Gas planet 27 Moons #7Planet to sun A day is 17 hours Gas planet
Uranus 7th from the sun 3rd largest planet 15 known moons Saturn overthrow Uranus Father of Saturn Gas planet
Neptune is the coldest planet 8th planet Neptune is the coldest planet Neptune Gas Planet 49,500 miles 8 moons
Neptune Temperature -2140C Gas planet 13 moons Smallest planet Neptune Gas planet The last planet in the solar system