STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 2 Topics 1.Who are Christians for Israel? 2.C4I Mission 3.C4I Vision 4.C4I Values 5.C4I Beliefs 6.C4I Movement 7.Goals of this conference
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 3 Mission The mission of Christians for Israel is to bring biblical understanding in the church and nations concerning God’s purposes for Israel, and to mobilize Christians to comfort the nation of Israel through prayer and action. It is not our mission as a movement to try to convert the Jewish people to the Christian faith. Vision Our vision is to establish a global network having effective national impact, for the blessing of the nation of Israel, the Jewish people, the church and the nations. 1. Who are Christians for Israel? MESSAGE MOVEMENT
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 4 2. C4I mission 1Bring understanding in the church and nation – Biblical understanding – message to the church, not Israel – church – nation? 2Mobilize comfort for Israel – Prayer – Action HEAD HEART HANDS
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 6 Your people will be my people, and your God my God (Ruth 1:16 )
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 7 Mission – some key issues What is “understanding”? (how can I make someone else understand something that he/she doesn’t and/or does not even want to understand?) what is the content of our message? Not evangelize the Jews – does that mean we should deny our calling as Christians? are there guidelines for how to pursue our mission (strategy)? who decides?
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 8 3. C4I vision A Global network + having local impact Grassroots movement Common mission, vision and values national / local teams National / local vision, strategy and action C4I International office – support, not control
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 9 4. C4I Values Prayer an essential part of our ministry. serve each other and the body of Christ in an attitude of humility. We will act in accordance with the laws of the countries in which we are established, in good faith and in accordance with principles of good governance and Christian stewardship.
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL C4I Beliefs (1) We believe that – the Bible is the infallible and inspired Word of God, in which God reveals His creative and redemptive acts in His Son, Jesus Christ, from the beginning of the world to its completion. The Bible speaks with absolute authority, both in terms of salvation and in terms of God’s revealed purposes concerning Israel, the church and the nations; the gifts and callings of God are without repentance. God is faithful to His promises. He has not terminated His covenants with the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the Church has not replaced Israel; Gentile believers have been grafted into the true olive tree, of which the nation of Israel is the natural branch (Romans 11); part of the natural branch has been cut off for a time; the Gentiles have become partakers of the root of this tree as fulfilment of the promise made to Abraham that all nations would be blessed in him (Genesis 12:3);
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 11 C4I beliefs (2) God promised to restore the nation of Israel in the last days; this includes bringing the twelve tribes of Israel back to the land which He promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as an everlasting possession; we are witnessing today the return of the Jewish people in fulfilment of Biblical prophecy, in preparation for the coming of Jesus Messiah and the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth; we acknowledge with deep shame that the church has for centuries persecuted the Jews in the name of Christ, and humbly trust in God’s promises and faithfulness towards His people; the restoration of Israel is a sure sign of the nearness of the coming of Messiah. The church should repent of its appalling treatment of the Jewish people over the centuries, fight anti-Semitism in all its forms, pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, and comfort the Jewish people (Romans 11:20).
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 12 C4I beliefs (3) We did not invent these beliefs – it is orthodox Christian teaching! These beliefs are not a product of any particular church denomination or group – they have been believed by Bible-believing Christians in all denominations throughout the ages Unfortunately these beliefs were lost by many Christians, because of the development of replacement theologies in 1st and 2nd centuries AD (supercessionism)
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 14 Countries in which a local C4I operation is currently established (affiliate, representative or partner) Europe Netherlands Germany Belgium France UK Switzerland Italy Austria Greece Hungary Poland Romania Ukraine Russia/FSU Africa Nigeria Cameroon Sierra Leone Uganda Kenya Ghana South Sudan Tanzania South Africa Zambia Botswana Americas Canada USA South America Asia Pacific Singapore / South East Asia Malaysia Indonesia Philippines Thailand Australia New Zealand
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 15 our footprint....
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL C4I International established in 1998 restructuring in 2005 (Holland, Germany and Canada) Our task is to - Support the branches (not control!) Develop new countries and language areas as appropriate Coordinate the C4I mission, vision and values on behalf of the whole network
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 17 C4I global structure Europe Africa Americas Asia Pacific International President and Board International office Executive Director Staff
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 18 International Board current members: Harald Eckert (G), Dick Schutte (NL), Pim van der Hoff (NL), Bert Fluit (NL), Drake Kanaabo (Uganda) Board to be expanded in 2012/13 to become more representative of regions/affiliates
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 19 Regional centres Each region has a centre. So far: – Europe: Nijkerk (Holland) – East Africa: Kampala (Uganda) – Central / West Africa: Nigeria – Asia Pacific: Malaysia/Singapore Role of the centres: support and coordinate Centres work closely with C4I International office
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 20 The regional centres....
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 21 C4I National Affiliates (1) Carry out the C4I mission in their country Affiliation agreement with C4I International Prayer National leadership National vision National strategy
STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL 22 C4I National Affiliates (2) Areas of activity (teams) – Prayer – Teaching (external) – Training (internal) – C4I Educational resources = produce and distribute – Newspaper Israel & Christians Today – Website / social media – Other Media platforms – TV, printed media, internet, etc – Networking / other organizations – Events and exhibitions – Tours to Israel – Projects in Israel / aliyah