ABRAHAM & the PATRIARCHS: Our Fathers of Faith
Homework (due Thurs., 3/8) Read Gen. 12, 15-16, & 21:1-21; NB: complete RQs (due ., /) Have skits prepared very well!!! (due Fri., 3/9) Read Gen. 22:1-19 and complete RQs
Homework (due Mon., 3/12) Interview parent w/ # 2 from WTB sheet; in J: Write both his/her and your responses to the question. (due Thurs., 3/15) Study for Test Review (due Fri., 3/16) TEST: Abraham, etc. PPt notes Bible Study RQs WTB worksheets
Creation… Generates
Creation… God makes things good Generates God makes people good
De-Creation… Alienates Disintegrates
De-Creation… Self > couple ashamed God > couple hide Alienates Nature>couple to suffer/die People>Cain murders Abel Disintegrates
De-Creation… Self couple ashamed God couple hide Alienates Nature couple to suffer/die People Cain murders Abel DisintegratesSin spreads Familytrees Sin destroys Flood story
Re-Creation… God calls Abraham Reintegrates God covenants Abraham
Review: Holy Skit! (10 pts) GRADING: Accuracy of info from Bible text & RQs Creativity of acting (but NOT distracting!) Quality of narration (public speaking skills!!)
Abram: Life of a Nomad Abram born in Ur, important Mesopotamian city As young man, went w/ father > Haran In Haran, at age 75, A hears God;s call to go to Canaan
Abram’s Birthplace
Abram’s Journey
Promises to Abram Land and a Nation Kingship and a Name Blessing for all Nations
Christian Interpretation of Promises Fulfilled Land and a Nation Fulfilled in covenant with Moses Kingship and a Name Fulfilled in covenant with David Blessing for all Nations Fulfilled in and through Jesus Christ
Covenant: Solemn promise Sealed with a solemn ritual
Biblical Name Change Sign of new mission or calling (vocation, fr. Latin vocare= to call) For example: Abram (“the Father is exalted”) > Abra’ham (“father of many [nations]”) Sarai (“princess”) > Sar’ah(“Queen”)
Ritual of Circumcision- Why? Health purposes? Mark of identity? Acceptance into manhood? Sign of covenant commitment between parents & God (best explanation)
Sacrifice of Isaac Meanings? Basic: Contains all that faith involves Story is a “type” (Gk., typos) = “pre-presentation” of something yet to come, Old Testament > New Testament
Typology of Genesis 22 Isaac Christ A father offers his beloved son The Father offers His Beloved Son The son submits to the father’s will The Son submits to the Father’s will Isaac carries the wood for his own sacrifice Jesus carries his own wooden cross God provides the sacrifice (ram) God provides the perfect sacrifice (Christ)
Faith involves… Great trust Constant struggle Times of “darkness”
Reflect on This! What are 3 things you think teenagers struggle the most with as they try to live their faith ? What do you question most? What is 1 very practical thing you can do to strengthen your faith?
Westerhoff’s “Styles of Faith” Experienced Faith Felt or “picked up” from others Eg. praying with family, watching others’ way of living their faith
Westerhoff’s “Styles of Faith” Affiliative Faith Faith of a group Believing by belonging Eg. parish community
Westerhoff’s “Styles of Faith” Searching Faith Faith which struggles with doubts, fears or questions Typical at times of change or crisis (teens, mid-life, etc.) Eg. teens’ questions about Church’s teachings
Westerhoff’s “Styles of Faith” Owned Faith Mature faith, “tried & true” A faith truly one’s own Eg. joining a youth group or praying by choice
The Patriarchs Abraham Isaac Ishmael Esau Jacob(Israel) Arabs 12 sons (forerunners of 12 tribes of Israel) Muslims
Isaac & Jacob story illustrates… God’s way of dealing with “biblical” people Respects their free will Weaves their sinfulness into plan of salvation Jewish belief in power of spoken word Once uttered, words cannot be revoked Like a shot arrow; cannot be “un-shot”