Old Testament Studies Genesis 12-50
Genesis Divisions Chapters 1-11 4 Events Creation (1-2) Fall (3-5) Flood (6-9) Nations (10-11) Chapters 12-50 4 People Abraham (12-24) Isaac (25-26) Jacob (27-36) Joseph (37-50)
Genesis 12-50 How is 12-50 different than 1-11? From Genesis 11:27s l o w s d o w n 20 Generations given in chapters 1-11 Next 39 Chapters--focus on 4 generations. God spends more time on the history of Israel than He did on the whole of Creation. Abraham important because through him comes our hope and promise of Christ.
Redemptive History As we read through the Bible we will focus with a keen eye on what is called, “redemptive history.” Redemptive history is the history of God saving His people ending in the ultimate redemption in Jesus Christ. As such, throughout the OT we see echo's and shadows of the redemptive work of Jesus. (Col. 2:17)
The 1st Introduction to Redemptive History. Satan (Rev. 12:9) and the human race are enemies. Though Satan is the “ruler of this world,” man shall not ultimately fall under his dominion. Made in the image of God, mankind belongs to God NOT Satan. Humankind divided into two groups. Children of Satan and Children of God (John 8:44, 1 John 3:8) Gen 3:15, “I will put enmity between you and the women…” “and between your seed and her seed..”
Themes? Predominant overarching theme is the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen. 12:1-3, 7; 13:14-7; 15:1-21; 17:1-21; 18:17-19; 22:15-18; 26:2-5, 23-25; 28:10-17; 25:9-12; 50:24). In ancient times people would often enter into what Scripture calls a covenant. A covenant (agreement, pact) is a legally binding obligation on the part of two or more parties (people, nations etc).
The Development of the Covenant The Need (Gen. 1:1-11:26) The Foundation (12:1-3) (Heb. 1:1-22) The Making (15:1-21) (cfv6 and Hab. 2:4; Rom 4; Gal 3:6-29) The Sign (17:1-14) The Purpose (18:17-19) The Blessing (22:15-18) The Reaffirmation (26:2-5, 23-25; 28:10-17; 35:9-12; 50:24)
The Elements of the Covenant Nation (12:2; 17:4-6; 18:18; 25:23; 35:11; 46:3) Blessings (Gen. 12:2; cf. 24:1) Seed Land! Sons, prosperity (family, herds), victory over kings, long life, land for a great nation. Progeny—offspring Plural (12:7), Sing. (son 15:3). Messiah! (22:17b-18; 26:4b-5; 28:14) The Gospel! Gal. 3:8, 14
Other Themes of Gen. 12-50 Alters and worship (Abram/Abraham 12:8; 13:4, 13:8, 22:9; Isaac 22:9; 26:25, Jacob 33:20; 35:7) Covenants (Abimelech and Abraham 21:27, 31; Isaac and Abimelech 27:28; Jacob and Laban 31:44) Compassion of God (Hagar 16:7; Ishmael 21:16; Leah 29:31; Joseph 39:21) Descriptive names of God? God Most High (14:18, 19, 22—El Elyon) Yahweh the Everlasting God (21:33, cf Is. 40:28) The God of Heaven and Earth (24:3, 7) God Almighty (28:3; 35:11; 43:14; 48:3; 49:25) Mighty One of Jacob (24:4)
Things of Interest Theophany From Θεοφάνεια meaning “appearance of God.” Christ in the Old Testament? Angel of the Lord as God (22:11-12, 14-15. cf Jn. 1:1-14)
Others Adam: (Rom. 5:14)—Adam head of old creation, Christ head of new, spiritual. Abel: Some say his blood sacrifice pointed to Christ as did his death. Melchizedek: King AND priest, name means “righteous king,” king of Jerusalem (Salem), blessed Abraham, Abraham paid a tithe to him (see Ps 110 and Heb. 7:1-17) Joseph (see handout) What is a “Type?” Type means a person, thing or event that has some characteristics of another that will appear later. We see from Genesis several “Types” of Christ can you name some?
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