1 Beyond Recycling Into Environmental Sustainability
2 We all know about environmental problems like: Global warming The 14 warmest years ever have all occurred since 1980
3 Species Extinction 3-8 wild species go extinct EVERY HOUR! Rainforest Destruction Over 40% of all tropical forests have been destroyed
4 Overconsumption Americans are 5% of the world’s population yet consume 30% of the world’s resources Waste Americans throw away 600 times their weight in garbage during their lifetime
5 But, Did You Know That WE Contribute to These and Other Environmental Problems Every Day??
6 We are recycling. But, recycling is only a first step toward SUSTAINABILITY, which means “living, working and behaving in ways that restore the integrity and biodiversity of the local and planetary ecosystems upon which all life depends.”
7 So, we need to be sustainable to ensure we have a healthy environment for ourselves, our children and other species…
8 What Can We Do to Be More Sustainable? 1.Turn OFF your lights and appliances, including your computer (and monitor) when you won’t be using it for 30 minutes or more. Use the SLEEP mode to conserve lots of energy.
9 2.Reduce paper usage by storing info electronically, double-siding, using smaller fonts, using scrap paper, etc 3.Take only what you NEED in Dining Halls (food waste costs nearly $1,000,000 of your room and board fees!) 4.Eat LESS MEAT (conserves water, energy, animal lives & your health)
10 5)Use hot water sparingly. 6)Turn off the water when you brush your teeth. 7)Wash you clothes in cold water. 8)AVOID disposable products 9)Drive LESS (save $ & improve your health). Driving is your #1 environmental impact, so consider walking, biking and riding the bus.
11 10.BUY LESS Stuff…Consider whether you really need something before you buy it…Give tickets or favors instead of things for the holidays! Better for your wallet and the environment. 11.RECYCLE (your paper & containers as well as batteries, etc.). See
12 How can YOU get involved? 1.JOIN an environmental organization like ENACT ( or the Sustainable U of M Team (sustainum.org) 2.Take an environmental CLASS in SNRE or the RC, like ES 391: Sustainability & the Campus
13 3.Check out national campus sustainability efforts through the National Wildlife Federation ( campusecology) 4.Write a letter to newspapers, politicians, administrators or others about your interest in the environment and making this campus, community and country more sustainable.
14 5.Get involved/Make suggestions for Housing and Dining Services sustainability efforts by ing Check out the special edition of the Newslink available at the front desk. Check out services/environ/index.html for more information.
15 6.Talk to your friends about environmental issues and sustainability
16 This Hall is participating in University Housing’s Resource Conservation Campaign/Ecolympics. Look in your recycling closet for more details and follow the eco-tips on this bulletin board to win!
17 Move Beyond Recycling Into Sustainability!