ERA-Can+ Webinar Opportunities for European Researchers to Collaborate with Canadians Under Horizon 2020 Focus: Horizon 2020 EU-Canada Coordinated Call in Aeronautics Thank you for joining the ERA-Can + webinar on the Horizon 2020 EU- Canada Coordinated Call in Aeronautics. The webinar will start at 15:00 (CET) Please mute yourself upon entry; we will be taking all questions via the chat window on the right. Please note that the PowerPoint presentations and a document covering all your questions in this webinar will be made available on
Agenda 15:00Words of welcome and introductions Overview of ERA-Can+ Danielle Lenarcic Biss, Coordinator, Research and International Relations, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada 15:20EU Framework of the Coordinated Call in Aeronautics Pablo Pérez-Illana, Policy & Programme Officer, Aviation Unit, European Commission 15:40Canada Framework of the Coordinated Call in Aeronautics Alain Aubertin, Vice-President, International Affairs, Canadian Aerospace Research & Innovation Consortium 16:00Questions and Answers 16:30Session is concluded Opportunities for European Researchers to Collaborate with Canadians Under Horizon 2020 Focus: Horizon 2020 EU-Canada Coordinated Call in Aeronautics
ERA-Can+ Project Overview
ERA-Can+: project objectives ERA-Can+ promotes cooperation between Canada and the EU in science, technology and innovation to support and encourage their mutual prosperity, address common societal issues and meet global challenges together October September 2016 (36 month project)
ERA-Can+: project objectives ERA-Can II ACCESS2CANADA New elements
ERA-Can+ : project partners OrganizationAcronymCountry Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea APREItaly Zentrum für Soziale InnovationZSIAustria Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRSFrance Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DLRGermany Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada DFATDCanada Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada AUCCCanada The Public Policy ForumPPFCanada
ERA-Can+: project goals 1.Enriching the EU-Canada policy dialogue by identifying areas of mutual interest, targeted opportunities, and implementation plans 2.Stimulating transatlantic cooperation in research and innovation by raising awareness of opportunities 3.Enhancing coordination among Canadian federal and provincial funding bodies, sector leaders and networks and their counterparts at the EU level and in European Members States. Strengthening and supporting the Canadian NCP network.
ERA-Can+: project activities Holding symposia on research infrastructure and innovation Producing reports on science, technology and innovation collaboration between Canada and the EU Twinning Canadian and EU projects Fostering program level cooperation
Oct 13Nov 13Dec 13Jan 14Feb 14Mar 14Apr 14May 14June nd Western Canadian tour Apr-May 2014 KOM 1st Eastern Canadian tour Jan 2014 Website launched Train the trainers day Helpdesk launched Communications plan CA signed Identification of two new NCPs M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8M9 First webinar EU Canada-EU Association Coordination Priority Setting ws EU - nano Progamme Level Cooperation ws Interim Meeting Leaflet made H2020 Guide for Canadians ERA-Can+: project achievements
Nov 14Dec 14Jan 15Feb 15Mar 15Apr 15May 15June 15Sept 15 M14M15M16M17M18M19M20M21M24 Helpdesk Priority Setting ws on Marine and Arctic STI Observatory Report Series of webinars for EU CAN NCP meeting ERC meeting Midterm meeting Symposium on Innovation (TO) Guide to Canadian STI Programmes for Europeans Web & Social Media Info sessions in EU, Western Canada Recommendations 4 JSTCC JSTCC meeting 18 Nov Train the trainers ERA-Can+: project achievements Info sessions in EU, Central Canada Symposium on Marine Research Infrastructure (Eastern Canada)
Opportunities for Europeans Guide to Canadian programs for European researchers Webinars on ERA-Can+, intellectual property rights and legal and financial considerations Roundtables on areas of mutual interest Canadian Brokerage Events Information sessions
ERA-Can+:online presence On line #ERACAN Facebook GroupEuropean Research Area Canada LinkedIn GroupERA-Can
Questions and Answers Please type your questions in the chat box on the right of the screen. While we may not have time to answer all your questions, they will all be answered in a written document made available on
Thank you! Please note that the PowerPoint presentations and a document covering all your questions in this webinar will be recorded and made available on