My dog eats things…. >..< (a discussion on climate.) By: Cheyenne, Armin, and Lexi :)
Definitions Climate- Average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time. Specific heat- Quantity of energy needed to change the temp. of 1g of a substance by 1 degrees celcius.
Definitions Cont’d… El Nino- Warm water phase of the ENSO. Heats water and kills fish. Monsooooon- Seasonal winds that bring heavy rain. Tropical climate- Climates that are characterized by high temps.
More Definitons Micro Climate- The climate of a small area. Climatologist- scientist who try to answer ?’s by gathering data to study and compare past and present climates. Global Warming- Gradual increse in global Temp.
….. Middle Latitude Climate- has an average max. temp. of 8 degrees celcius in the coldest month and an average min. temp. of 10 degrees celcius in the warmest month. Polar Climate- Climates of the polar region.
Latitude Different latitudes on Earth’s surface receive different amount of solar energy. Solar energy determines temp. and wind patterns. Temp. and wind patterns influence average temp. and precipitation.
Climate Zones Tropical- rainforest, desert, and savanna. Mid Latitude- marine west coast, steppe, and humid continental, humid subtropical, and mediterranean. Polar- subarctic, tundra, and polar icecap.
Causes of Climate Change Plate tectonics Orbital Change Human Activity ( CO2 ) Volcanic Activity
Potential Impacts Global Warming I love science !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sea Level Changes
What We, as Humans, Can Do. Turn off lights. Turn down heat. Reduce A.C. use. Recycle!!! Fuel– efficient vehicles (hybrid). Public Transportation. Carpool.
Questions What is climate? Define specific heat. Name 2 effects of El Nino. What does a monsoon bring? What do climatologists study? Is global warming an increase or decrease in global temp? What is the avg. maximum temp of mid latitude climate
What does solar energy determine? Name 3 tropical climate zones Name 5 mid latitude climate zones Name 3 Polar climate zones Does orbital change effect climate? How about fishing in oceans? Could volcanic activity have any effect on climate? How could climate change impact Earth?
Would turning off lights make a difference in global warming? What are ways to cope with restricting the use of ACs and Heaters? What is an example of a fuel efficient vehicle? What have you done to help stop climate change? Think: Have you ever experienced a monsoon, El Nino, or any other phenomena of climate?
Answers Average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time Quantity of energy needed to change the temp. of 1g of a substance by 1 degrees celcius. Heats water, kills fish Heavy rains Climate Increase 8 degrees celcius
Temp and Wind Patterns Rainforest, Desert, Savanna marine west coast, steppe, and humid continental, humid subtropical, and Mediterranean subarctic, tundra, and polar icecap Yes No Yes Global Warming, Sea Level Changes
Yes Open Windows, fans, blankets, ice, hats, gloves Hybrid Answers may vary (recycling, carpooling, etc) Answers may vary
Thank You!!!!