1 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt Junk Waste Conservation Begins with YOU Begins with YOU Life Answer – must in Q form – V holds the final right for the answer
2 An example of habitat destruction is 1
3 What is clearing a tropical rain forest. ? 1
4 Human population growth has been made possible because of 2
5 What are advances in farming and medicine ? 2
6 Anything that causes pollution is a ____________________. 3
7 What is pollutant 3
8 Plants, animals, and ____________________ depend on each other within habitats 4
9 What are microorganisms ? 4
10 List & describe five kinds of pollutants 5
11 What are Garbage Chemicals High power waste Gases Noise 5
12 Something that can be broken down by living organisms is 1
13 What is biodegradable. ? 1
14 Solar energy is an example of this kind of resource Double points 1 1 2
15 What is renewable 2 + 2
16 What organisms make homes for themselves in new places 3
17 What is an exotic species. ? 3
18 The U.S. government organization created to help protect the environment is the ____________________. 4
19 What is Environmental Protection Agency 4
20 Distinguish between renewable & nonrenewable resources 5
21 Renewable – replaced at rate which it is used Nonrenewable – cannot be replaced or can only be replaced over thousands or millions of years 5
22 a natural resource that forms more slowly than the rate at which it is consumed 1
23 What are nonrenewable resources ? 1
24 Which chemicals destroy protective ozone 2
25 What is CFC’s Chlorofluorocarbons - In addition to their original application as refrigerants (freon), chlorofluoroalkanes have been used as propellants in aerosol cans, cleaning solvents for circuit boards, and blowing agents for making expanded plastics (such as the expanded polystrene used in packaging materials and disposable coffee cups). 2
26 Because conservation means using fewer natural resources and reducing wastes, it helps 3
27 What are prevent habitat destruction and reduce pollution. 3
28 What are the three R’s that can help the environment __________ __________ __________ 4
29 What are Reduce, reuse, recycle 4
30 Describe the impact of exotic species 5
31 Exotic species can thrive in areas where there are no natural preditors and upset the natural balance of the ecosystem in which they now live 5
32 Conservation helps 1
33 What are prevent habitat destruction and reduce pollution 1
34 Minerals and fossil fuels are examples of ____________________. Double points 2
35 What is nonrenewable resources 2
36 In order to reduce the need for fossil fuels, scientists are studying power sources such as wind, tides, and 3 Double points
37 What is Falling water ? 3
38 Explain - Reduce, reuse, recycle 4
39 Reduce – use less of the resource Reuse – find outlets that can re-use the items Recycle – turn in metals, plastics, papers so those items can be made into new items BOTTOM LINE – less impact of environment 4
40 Describe how habitat destruction affects biodiversity 5
41 As habitates are destroyed through mining, farming, lumber, top soil can erode & streams can be filled with pollutatns – the organism living in these areas can be left without food & shelter - & possible die 5
42 What can farmers use to prevent the harming of beneficial insects 1
43 What is natural pest control ? 1 NPC - hl NPC – hl2
44 Too many organisms in one area for the resources available 2
45 What is overpopulation 2
46 The northern snakehead fish was introduced into North America from Asia. It is an example of a(n) 3
47 What is an exotic species. 3
48 Name four things that can happen to hazardous waste __________ __________ __________ __________ 4
49 Catch fire, wear through (erode) metal, explode, make people sick 4
50 Give two examples of how pollution affects humans 5
51 Air pollution – effects breathing Water pollution - can make people sick or kill them Checmicals - can cause cancer & other sickness As reseources are used up life might get difficault for people down the road 5