Asteroid Chunks of space rock that orbit the Sun, mostly between Mars and Jupiter
Comet A small body of ice, rock, and cosmic dust Example: Halley’s Comet There are thousands of these in the solar system.
Galaxy A huge collection of millions or billions of stars. Example: The Milky Way Galaxy & the Andromeda Galaxy
Meteor Dust and rock fragments from space that enter the Earth’s atmosphere and burn up (shooting stars)
Star A large ball of gas and plasma that produces light Example: The Sun & Polaris (the North Star)
Planet A large, spherical object orbiting a star that dominates its orbit. Example: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Satellite Anything that orbits a planet, such as a moon or a man-made object (like the hubble telescope)
Solar system The sun and all the other objects that orbit around it; planets, asteroids, comets, moons…
Star and the Sun A gigantic spinnin ball of hot, glowing gas in space Sun: the star at the center of our solar system!
Universe The vast space which includes EVERYTHING that exists!
Black Hole An object whose surface gravity is so great that waves traveling at the speed of light cannot escape from it. m/watch?v=eI9CvipHl_ c
Nebula A huge cloud of gas and dust in space Example: These are either remnants or dead stars or birthplace of new stars
Dwarf Planet A Large, spherical object orbiting a star that does not dominate its orbit. Example: Pluto, Eris, Ceres, Make Make Haumea