5-2: The Beliefs of Judaism
Standards H-SS 6.3.2: Identify the sources of the ethical teachings and central beliefs of Judaism: belief in God, observance of law, practice of the concepts of righteousness and justice, and importance of study; and describe how the ideas of the Hebrew traditions are reflected in the moral and ethical traditions of Western civilization. E-LA: Reading Clarify an understanding of texts by creating outlines, logical notes, summaries, or reports.
Judaism Language of the Discipline Scriptures: sacred writings Prophet: a person chosen by God to bring truth to a ruler and the people. Rabbi: teacher Justice: fair treatment.
Judaism “People of the Book” (Input) The Jewish people base their way of life on the Scriptures These sacred writings reveal God’s will as explained by the prophets This unites Jews all over the world
Judaism “The Hebrew Bible” (Input) Hebrew Bible contains 3 sections Torah (first 5 books), also known as The Law of Moses Have and explain The Ten Commandments in detail and the Hebrew’s covenants with God until the death of Moses. Many of the events in the Bible are older than the written record. Many sections were passed down by word of mouth.
Judaism “The Hebrew Bible” (Input) The Prophets People who were preachers, poets, and reformers. Reminded people to obey God’s laws, how they should relate to God, to other people, to the land which they lived, and to themselves. The Writings Includes great Hebrew literature such as Psalms and Proverbs Psalms is a collection of songs praising God. Proverbs contains wise sayings Other writings tell of heroes like Esther, Job, and Daniel.
Judaism “Laws and the Talmud” (Input) Jews want to respect God’s laws. The Torah has the Ten Commandments as well as many laws that give directions for religious rituals. After Moses, other teachers called rabbis discussed how laws should be interpreted in certain situations. These writings were collected in the Talmud, a text that Jewish scholars still study and discuss.
Basic Beliefs Monotheism- there is only one God was invisible and everywhere God expected everyone to follow His laws. He was strict but merciful, just, and fair. Punished the wicked, but forgave people who showed they were sorry for doing wrong. Some prophets predicted that the Israelites would be driven out of their land if they disobeyed God’s commands.
Judaism (Input) Israelites’ responsibilities : Serve God Treat one another fairly Protect the land that God gave them According to the Torah God’s first covenant was with Abraham and the second with Moses on Mt. Sinai. Israelites in turn believed they had a responsibility to serve God, to treat one another fairly, and to protect the land that God has given them.
Judaism Knowing right and wrong was important in Judaism. Their religious writing also described the principles of behavior toward God, one’s parents, and other people. The prophets emphasized these moral behaviors and urged people to work for justice. They were to all help someone in need Many of these ideas have influenced modern thinking about human rights and being concerned for others.
Checking for Understanding 1. What is the second section of the Hebrew Bible? A. The Torah B. Prophets C. Writings D. The Scripts Answer B.
Checking for Understanding 2. Which of the following statements is correct about the Jewish religious writings? A. the Torah must be studied only by rabbis B. the Talmud is the most important Jewish book C. the Hebrew Bible contains the Torah, prophets, and writings. D. All of the above Answer C.
Checking for Understanding 3. Which of the writings of the Jewish people repeat and explain the ethical teachings of the Torah? A. the Talmud B. the Prophets C. the Writings D. the Ten Commandments Answer A.
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