JUDGES 2:7-11
This can happen here also! “6 out of 10 young people leave the church permanently or for an extended time starting at age 15”
Three reasons this may have happened… 1. They didn’t know the Word of the Lord – “did not know…the work which He [the LORD] had done for Israel.” -Judges 2:10 – Psalm 78:5-8 – Not just the fault of the priests (Deut 6:6-9)
Three reasons this may have happened… 1. They didn’t know the Word of the Lord – "Bible class teachers, bring them [your congregation's children] up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.“ – "Fathers...bring them [your children] up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”
Three reasons this may have happened… 2. Their parents didn't fully obey the Lord – In making covenants with the people of the land Joshua 9 and Judges 2:1-2 – In driving out the inhabitants of the land Judges 1:21, 27-35
What do your children see in you? Are you neglecting the Word of the Lord? – Encouraging your weaker brothers and sisters? – Seeking those who are straying (or have strayed) from the faith? – Evangelism (commanded to all Christians)? – Hospitality? – Confession of sin? Even to them? – Spending time with the Lord?
Three reasons this may have happened… 3. They didn’t want to be different – The end of the period of the Judges (1 Sam 8) – This mindset began much earlier! (Judges 2:13)
God’s desire for His people… Exodus 19:5-6 Deut 28:9-10 – "The LORD will establish you as a people holy to himself, as he has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the LORD your God and walk in his ways.10 And all the peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the LORD, and they shall be afraid of you.”
God’s desire for us… "But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people" -1 Peter 2:9 Titus 2:14 - “zealous for good works” Are we teaching the next generation to be OK with being different?
Do what you can to prevent the next generation from not knowing the Lord… 1.Get your family into the Word of God 2.Obey the Lord. Show your kids how the gospel has changed your life 3.Be ok with being different from the world and teach your kids that it is what’s pleasing to God
For those who don’t have children… Begin NOW making habits that you can later use to serve your family. (Bible study on your own or w/ your wife) Remember your example. You can impact the children here also! Get involved in the lives of the children here.