Global Connections for Canadian Innovators Liaisons internationales pours les innovateurs canadiens Progress in Building Canada-China S&T Partnerships Stacy Chew Country Manager November 13, 2009 Université de Montréal
International S&T Partnership Program $20 Million Program of Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade to foster international S&T partnerships Target Countries: India, China, Brazil and Israel Israel component delivered by existing Canada-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation (CIIRDF) since 1994 ISTPCanada, established in January 2007, was selected through open proposal process, with funding available April, 2007, to deliver India, China and Brazil components
ISTPCanada Overview Mandate – to promote and facilitate international R&D partnerships involving Canadian companies and research organizations Primary Activity - Implementing the funded program components of bilateral S&T agreements Working with counterpart implementing organizations in partner countries – MOST in China and GITA in India Principles – scientific and technological excellence, shared benefits, economic returns to both countries, symmetry, protection of IP, respect of local laws
Internal Partnerships Provincial Governments Federal Science-based Departments and Agencies Industrial Research Assistance Program Western Economic Diversification Other Agencies Ontario Centres of Excellence And discussion in progress with many more potential partners
The Approach ISTPCanada and Partner Country will prepare a synchronized application process; Common calls for proposals will be issued and harmony in the timing of the approval process will be sought; and Final authority for funding rests with the individual organizations but a Yes/Yes decision is required before proceeding. Supported activities: Collaborative R&D projects Partnership Development Activities
Collaborative R&D Projects - Criteria At least a company in Canadian team Scientific merits and degree of innovation inherent in the product/service developed Business opportunity and capacity for commercial success Capacity of participants to manage and conduct the project, including commercialization thus leading to clear benefits to both countries
Collaborative R&D Projects Max. funding: $600,000 per project, or up to 50%, of Canadian R&D cost Non-government funding minimum of 25% R&D teams in partner countries to be funded by their governments Up to 3-year project duration
Partnership Development Activities Build for the future Funding bilateral and/or multilateral activities Explore forms of international partnerships and areas of focus Arrive at visionary R&D projects Promote Canadian comparative advantages Establish Canada as a world hub for international partnership in related areas
Partnership Development Activities Proactive and reactive approaches Up to $25,000, or 50%, of Canadian activity cost Overseas teams in partner countries to be funded by their governments: - China: State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs
Progress in Joint Activities R&D Partnership Development Activities 12 completed or approved (3 in Agriculture), 14 under evaluation (2009) Pro-active technology match-making ICT mission to Jinan and Chongqing Agriculture tri-lateral initiative EOIsFPsFunded tbd
Tri-lateral Initiative on Agri-Tech Canada-China-Israel
12 Comparisons 2007 vs 2008 vs 2009 Totals: 135, 178, 183
Key Observations An amazing, promising start (26 projects and PDAs), 500 responses involving over 2500 researchers in both Canada and China; S&T cooperation will become a cornerstone to Canada’s bi-lateral relations; Support across Canada; Engagement of the immigrant communities; Canada and partner countries: each other’s strategic partners
1 st Annual Report – Feb 12, 2009
ISTPCanada Contacts Stacy Chew Country Manager for China Office: (613) x 223 Cell: (613) ISTPCanada 371A Richmond Road Ottawa, Ontario K2A 0E7