CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history Autor: Autor: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Autor je výhradním tvůrcem materiálu. Datum vytvoření: Datum vytvoření: Klíčová slova Klíčová slova: CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history Anotace: Anotace: prezentace je určena na získání základních znalostí o územním rozdělení, politickém systému, ekonomice a historii Kanady. Ve zpracovaném materiálu jsou také cvičení k procvičení.
Způsob využití: Způsob využití: určeno pro výklad a procvičení základních znalostí o územním rozdělení, politickém systému, ekonomice a historii Kanady. Tyto znalosti je možno využít u maturity z anglického jazyka na středních školách. Číslo šablony Číslo šablony: VY_32_INOVACE_ANJ_14
CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES 10 provinces2 territories Canada is divided into 10 provinces and 2 territories. The biggest provinceQuebec The biggest province is Quebec (with its capital Quebec), others are Newfoundland (St. John), Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown), Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Fredericton), Manitoba (Winnipeg), Ontario (Toronto), Saskatchewan (Regina), Alberta (Edmonton) and British Columbia (Victoria). two territories Although the two territories - Yukon (Whitehorse) and Northwest Territories (Yellowknife) - occupy nearly a half of all Canada they are very thinly inhabited by mainly native people - the density here is only 1 person in 65 sq km!
CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history POLITICAL SYSTEM an independent federal statea member of the British Commonwealth of Nations Now Canada is an independent federal state and a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The head of the state the Governor-General The head of the state is the British monarch - Queen Elizabeth II who is represented by the Governor-General (generální guvernér). The country’s supreme body is two chambers of Federal Parliament. The real leader in the political lifethe Prime Minister. The real leader in the political life of the country is the Prime Minister.
CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history ECONOMY G-7 countries Canada belongs to the G-7 countries and has mainly coal, oil and natural gas but is also rich in gold, uranium and other metal ores. half the land area is covered by forests wood industry Almost half the land area is covered by forests and especially the provinces of Ontario and Newfoundland have large paper mills and wood industry. hydroelectric industry There is also highly developed hydroelectric industry.
CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history ECONOMY only about 7 per cent of the land is suitable for farming, wheat Although only about 7 per cent of the land is suitable for farming, agriculture is the world’s fifth largest producer of the wheat (pšenice). Other agricultural items are live-stock production, oats (oves), fruit and vegetable, tabacoo etc. It also exports fish, paper, uranium etc.
CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history HISTORY The first peoplefrom Asia about 3 thousand years ago crossing from Siberia to Alaska The first people arrived to America from Asia about 3 thousand years ago crossing from Siberia to Alaska. Some of them settled in Canada, while others continued to the south. thousand years ago when Icelandic Norsemen The first contact between the native Canadians and Europeans probably occurred about thousand years ago when Icelandic Norsemen (seveřané) settled for a short time on the island of Newfoundland. In 1497 John Cabot claimed (prohlásil) the land for the English Crown. In 1534 Jacques Cartier raised the flag of France on the area of Canada.
CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history HISTORY HISTORY Loyalists along the Great Lakes Large numbers of English-speaking people, called Loyalists - wishing to remain faithful (věrní) to the British Crown – came to Canada after the USA won its independence in 1776 by their Declaration of Independence. People settled mainly the colonies of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and along the Great Lakes. In 1791Upper CanadaLower Canada united Province of Canada In 1791 Upper Canada (now Ontario) and Lower Canada (Quebec) were created and both were granted their own representative governing institutions. Rebellions in the 1830 prompted (přiměla) the British to form the united Province of Canada giving it responsible government – except in matters of foreign affairs in 1848.
CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history HISTORY HISTORY The development of Canada’s powerful neighbour – the USA – led Canada East, Canada West, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to join together under the terms of the British North America Act into the Dominion of Canada on July 1st Other provincies gradually joined: Manitoba, British Columbia, Prince Edward Island and in the 20th century also Saskatchewan, Alberta and Newfoudland. During the prewar period, Canada profited from the prosperous world economy and established itself as an industrial as well as an agriculture power. In 1931 Canada’s constituonal autonomy from Britain was confirmed with the passing of the Statute of Westminster.
CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history CVIČENÍ Choose the correct answer(s): 1.Canada is divided into ……….. provinces and ………. territories. a)8;2 b)2;10 c)10;2 d)2;10 2.The biggest province is ……….. a)Ontario b)Newfoundland c)Manitoba d)Quebec
CANADA – provinces and territories, political system, economy, history CVIČENÍ You will not use all information there. Fill in the gaps with information from the ellipse below the text to get correct statements. You will not use all information there. a)The real leader in the political life of the country is the ……….. b)Canada belongs to the ………. countries. c)Almost half the land area is covered by ……... d)The first people arrived to America from ……… about 3 thousand years ago crossing from Siberia to Alaska. mountains Europe G-6forests Queen Australia 100King G-7 Prime Minister200 G-8 AsiaAfrica
Zpracoval: Ing. Vladimír Havlík Bibliografie: