2 For planning purposes only EXPORT CLASSIFICATION PROPRIETARY NOTICE This document is the property of Pratt & Whitney Canada Corp. (“P&WC”). You may not possess, use, copy or disclose this document or any information in it, for any purpose, including without limitation to design, manufacture, or repair parts, or obtain TCCA, FAA, or other government approval to do so, without P&WC's express written permission. Neither receipt nor possession of this document alone, from any source, constitutes such permission. Possession, use, copying or disclosure by anyone without P&WC's express written permission is not authorized and may result in criminal or civil liability. Export Control Classification Contains no Technical Data ( X ) * Data is subject to the jurisdiction of the Export and Import Controls Bureau of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Canada, Department of Commerce of the and/or Department of State of the. ** Data is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Commerce of the or Department of State of the but would become subject if exposed to any involvement. Regulation Classification Number Canadian ECL(s)* ECCN(s)* P-ECCN(s)** 9E991 USML(ITAR)* P-USML** Date: 07 Oct 2013 Badge: P Export Classification: No Technical Data P&WC Proprietary Information
3 For planning purposes only PT6 Engine Development PT6A Highlights (as of Q3 2013) Total Produced 42,718 Flying Population ~ 22,332 Certified PT6A Models 70 Total hours flown Million Hrs. High Time Engine 51,501 (PT6A-28) Highest TBO 13,000 (PT6A-67D) Export Classification: No Technical Data P&WC Proprietary Information
4 For planning purposes only PT6A Engine Reliability TERMINOLOGY Key Rates BIFSD (Basic In Flight Shut Down) BUR (Basic Unplanned Removal) “Basic” – event can be directly linked to the engine design or manufacture “Non-Basic” – event cannot be linked to the engine design or manufacture (e.g. weather, pilot induced, etc.) Standard is to use 06 month rolling average # events / 06 month fleet running time Export Classification: No Technical Data P&WC Proprietary Information
5 For planning purposes only PT6A-34 Global Activity and Reliability Entered into service : 1966 Flying population : 669 Fleet hours : 20.9 Mil Fleet hours per year Hrs High time engine: 42,412 Hrs Number of operators: 274 Basic TBO 4000 High Time TBO 8000 Basic Unplanned Removal Basic In-flight Shutdown Total In-flight Shutdown Export Classification: No Technical Data P&WC Proprietary Information