Sea Turtle Rescue ! Sea turtles live in the ocean. Females come onto land only to lay their eggs. All eight species of sea turtles are in danger and need your help. Click on the turtle picture to read the story “Turtle Tale.” Next
Your Task Some species of sea turtles are the Green turtle, Loggerhead, Leatherback, Kemp’s ridley, Olive ridley, Hawksbill, and Flatback. Click on the turtle to see a picture and read a description about each species. You are part of a research team that will choose one species to study. Your team will create a poster that describes the turtle. It will also give the reasons that it is threatened and what your team plans to do to help it. Next
Information Sources First your team decides which species of turtle to study. Then, click on the turtle buttons below. These are links to web sites. You may print out photographs, maps, and charts to use on your poster, but all the text must be in your own words. Animal Bytes - Sea Turtles Sea Turtle Restoration Project Turtle Trax Wild Ones Animal Index Sea Turtle Species of the World
Step-By-Step Process 1. Choose one species of sea turtle to study and write its name at the top of your poster. 2. Explore the web sites about sea turtles and collect information that you put on your poster (facts, photos, maps, etc.) Markers, scissors, and glue are available. Be sure that your poster explains why your sea turtle is in danger. 3. Click on the turtle below to find out how you can help save sea turtles. Write your team’s “Rescue Plan” on your poster that asks other people to get involved, too.
Evaluation Team members will be evaluated with a rubric that has the following points: Cooperation and participation Quality of the information included on your poster (minimum of 5 facts and 5 graphics with captions) Neatness and organization of your poster Thoughtfulness, creativity, and detail of your “Rescue Plan”
Conclusion Your poster will be displayed outside of the Media Center so that others can learn about sea turtles, too. Remember it’s people that are the biggest danger to sea turtles. You are helping sea turtles every time you save water, recycle, put litter in its place, and do things that protect our Earth. Let’s keep these wonderful creatures swimming in our oceans. Click on the picture
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