F Accelerator Physics Center: Status FNAL Steering Group V. Shiltsev.


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Presentation transcript:

f Accelerator Physics Center: Status FNAL Steering Group V. Shiltsev

f 2007 APC & Y2K – Shiltsev 2 Fermilab’s Accelerator Physics Center Accelerator Physics Center Technical Division Associate Director for Accelerators Accelerator Division Director

f 2007 APC & Y2K – Shiltsev 3  Coordinate and conduct accelerator R&D aimed at next-generation and beyond accelerator facilities  Provide accelerator physics support for existing operational programs and the evolution thereof  Train accelerator scientists and engineers  Provide leadership and coordination in establishing the necessary facilities for a broad range of accelerator R&D that can be accessed by both Fermilab staff and the world HEP community Accelerator Physics Center: Mission

f 2007 APC & Y2K – Shiltsev 4 APC: Organization Structure Experimental Beam Research Beam Physics Education & Training APC Head Admin.Support Theory, Design & Modeling

f 2007 APC & Y2K – Shiltsev 5 APC: Components Experimental AARD US Particle Accel.School Accelerator PhD Program Peoples Fellows HINS Group Muon Collider R&D Group APC Head Admin Support Summer Student AccPhysProgram Energy Deposition LHC Accel.Syst. ILC Beam Physics Theory & Modeling

f 2007 APC & Y2K – Shiltsev 6 APC Status: Org Chart, Dates, etc

f 2007 APC & Y2K – Shiltsev 7 APC Status: Org Chart, Dates, Space, etc People: 35 Directly assigned 8 guests 8 grad students 4 joint appts. 26 in (…) Target date: June 1 st, 2007 Budget in work  APC offices will be at :  WH13 HQ (South X-over) Muon R&D (WH13E) Theory & Run II (WH13E) ILC (X-over and WH13W) CD CPA group (moved from WH9 to WH13W) US PAS (WH13W) Grad students/visitors (WH13E)  WH12E ED group LARP Mike Kriss ILC  Transf, linac, X-glry, BTW: HINS (Trsf Glry, X-, BTW) Muon R&D (Linac Glry, BTW) Theory/Run II (BTW)  TD HINS, ILC, Muon magnets

f 2007 APC & Y2K – Shiltsev 8 FNAL Steering Group: Charge  “…The group should develop a strategic roadmap of accelerator-based HEP that:  supports the international R&D and engineering design for as early a start of the ILC as possible and supports the development of Fermilab as a potential host site for the ILC;  develops options for an accelerator-based high energy physics program in the event the start of the ILC construction is slower than the technically-limited schedule; and  includes the steps necessary to explore higher energy colliders that might follow the ILC or be needed should the results from LHC point toward a higher energy than that planned for the ILC. “  Y.K.Kim to chair the Steering Group.  SG's report should be delivered to P.Oddone by Aug.1, ‘07

f 2007 APC & Y2K – Shiltsev 9 FNAL Steering Group: Membership  Consultants: Neutrino physics group (8) + Flavor physics group (9) + Guests (11) = DoE, ILC, etc

f 2007 APC & Y2K – Shiltsev 10 SG work:  Public/index.html Public/index.html  Weekly meetings (5 so far), satellite meetings, etc - Webex  Two “in person” meetings – in June and July  Long list of possible facilities was pulled together at the very first meeting (16), started to sort things out  At the last meeting, 4 sub-groups were formed:  #1 and #2: Neutrino and Flavor Physics  #3 Accelerator Facilities (S.H. and all accel fellas)  #4 HEP colliders beyond ILC (Helen, Maury, VS)  Besides that – off-the-box discussions encouraged (YKK lunches, DM, VS, SN among AD and TD, etc) – please speak up!

f 2007 APC & Y2K – Shiltsev 11 Status: we’ve discussed  ILC and ILC test facilities  T.Himel (SLAC), S.Ozaki (BNL), S.Nagaitsev (FNAL)  sure – need NML like facility  under discussion – 2% demonstration facility (5GeV SC RF linac)  How to recycle existing facilities  D.McGinnis (FNAL)  Most you have heard of (>1MW neutrino, m2e, Recycler boomerang)  New (Syphers): Tevatron as stretcher ring +SC RF separation = factor of 100 best koan physics facility  LHC and LHC upgrades:  S.Peggs (BNL) – lumi upgrades and LARP and IRUP  V.Shiltsev (FNAL) – DLHC (double energy upgrade)  Muon Collider and neutrino factory:  S.Geer (FNAL) on current activities and short term plans of MCTF and NFMCC  V.Shiltsev (FNAL) on large scale muon complex vision  VLHC-I and VLHC-II:  V.Shiltsev (FNAL) on design work, R&D needed  SF machine in Tev tunnel - ?