Covenant Lesson 2
Review Hebrew: a pledge or agreement; a compact that’s made by passing between pieces of flesh; a confederacy or a league Greek: a disposition, a contract, a testament, a covenant “Made Covenant”: means to make an alliance, to make a bargain, to make a covenant by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces
Covenants in the Bible Between God and Man: Noah and all living creatures: Sign was bow Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: Sign was circumcision Nation of Israel Between man and man: Out of fear Abimelech and Abraham and Isaac Laban and Jacob
Common elements Signs Sacrifices Oaths or promises Meals
Jonathan and David I Samuel 18:1-5 Jonathan’s soul was knit to David’s soul Loved David as himself Jonathan was the initiator Based on friendship: NOT fear Jonathan gave David his: robe, armor, sword bow and belt They exchanged identities: King for a shepherd
New Testament Symbolism Believers: Are to PUT ON the Lord Jesus Christ Galatians 3:26-29 Baptized into Christ and have clothed themselves with Him Clothed/Put on: “enduo” – to sink, go in or under, to put on as a garment. Romans 6:1-7 Baptized = identified with Believers are identified with Christ’s death and resurrection: Why? To walk in newness of life. There is an identification connected with us and Christ’s life
Believers Have the very life of Christ dwelling within Dead to the control of sin in their lives Old self was crucified – rendered inoperative Sin in now a CHOICE Christ is now the believer’s identification Responsibility to their Covenant partner now We now are responsible to live according to the character of the One whose robe we are wearing
Eph. 4:17-32 –Rom. 6 Old self Believers are not to live in the former manner of life Called to be renewed in the spirit of their minds A true Christian has a definite change of lifestyle The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ indwelling believers
New Self Described Speaking truth for edification Not sinning when angry Laboring to share with others Practices kindness toward one another Tender hearted Forgiving each other as God has forgiven them
Colossians 3:1-17 Christians have died and are hidden with Christ in His identity Believers have laid aside the old self and have put on the new self We are to put on LOVE beyond all else Love is the perfect bond of unity Love holds all the other things together Peace of Christ rules in your hearts Let the Word of Christ dwell richly in you Do ALL in the name of the Lord Jesus
Romans 13:12-14 Lay aside the deeds of darkness Put on the armor of light Put on the Lord Jesus Christ There is a practical outworking of putting on the Lord We still live in bodies of flesh, but being identified with Christ gives us the ability to control our flesh How does one make no provision for their flesh?
Jesus Became a Man Philippians 2:5-8 He took on the form of man He emptied Himself He took on man’s identity to the degree that He paid the price for sin: death Hebrews 2:9,14-18 He tasted death for all men The devil keeps people in bondage by the fear of death Jesus took on man’s identity to deliver man from the fear of death He has become our merciful and faithful High Priest He is able to come to the aid of those who need Him