1830—about 200 members Background Shortly after receiving Doctrine and Covenants 36, Joseph Smith received the revelation that the Saints were to leave New York and gather to Ohio.
Persecutions Satan’s efforts were unrelenting. Persecution raged, and the Prophet was arrested a number of times on false charges. The Lord’s will was that Joseph cease revising the Bible and move to Ohio.
Assemble in Ohio Oliver Cowdery had been on a mission to the Lamanites since 15 October This mission took him and his companions on a fourteen-hundred- mile journey. The Saints were commanded to move to Ohio in preparation to receive further instructions concerning the establishment of Zion after Oliver Cowdery’s return from the borders by the Lamanites.
D&C 38 Name 10 important truths you know about God and Jesus Christ Doctrine and Covenants 38:1–3, 7. What do we learn about Jesus Christ? Is He Omnipotent? Is He Omnipresent? Is He Omniscient? See Moses 1:6, D&C 38:1-2, D&C 42:17
D&C 38 I want the Lord to delay His coming because... I look forward to the coming of the Lord because... Read Doctrine and Covenants 38:8–12 and look for words or phrases that describe why some people fear the Lord's coming. In what way is silence one of Satan’s great tools? What blessings are promised to if they’ll move to Ohio? Doctrine and Covenants 38:18–21, 32, 39
D&C 38 LATTER-DAY SURVIVAL Scan your verse and look for one tip about how to survive in these latter days…
D&C 38 LATTER-DAY SURVIVAL Scan your verse and look for one tip about how to survive in these latter days… 24 Be kind towards others 27 Be one - unity 32 Go to the Ohio (temple) 33 Serve a mission 39 Seek eternal riches 42 Go away from the wicked
ERIC RICHARDS Have I changed at all?
D&C Compare Doctrine and Covenants 39:8 with 40:1. Ask: What word in Doctrine and Covenants 40:1 indicates how James Covill had changed? ·Hiroshi______staying morally clean. ·Audrey______keeping the Word of Wisdom ·Antonio______reading the scriptures and praying every day. ·Maria______preparing to be sealed in the temple. Read Doctrine and Covenants 41:5, 12 and identify the principle President Gordon B. Hinckley: "There is nothing we can do that is more important than to listen to that which [the Lord] has spoken. If we are His disciples, there cannot be conflict in our hearts. There cannot be jealousy. There cannot be meanness. There cannot be any of those things" (Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley [1997], 243).
Do you have “Enemies”?
“Leave it in New York” “There may come persecution; there may come opposition; your motives may be attacked. But if we place our trust in the Almighty and do that which is right, there will come an inner assurance, an inner calm, a peace that will bring joy and happiness to our souls.” Ezra Taft Benson
D&C 38 Elder Jeffrey R. Holland: “In this battle between good and evil, you cannot play for the adversary whenever temptation comes along and then expect to suit up for the Savior at temple and mission time as if nothing has happened. “No missionary can be unrepentant of sexual transgression or profane language or pornographic indulgence and then expect to challenge others to repent of those very things! … The Spirit will not be with you, and the words will choke in your throat as you speak them. “Whoever you are and whatever you have done, you can be forgiven. Every one of you … can leave behind any transgression with which you may struggle. It is the miracle of forgiveness; it is the miracle of the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am asking you … to be active and be clean. If required, I am asking you to get active and get clean” (“We Are All Enlisted,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 45).