The Solar System Mrs. Kilgo’s Class
Sun Medium-sized star Helium and Hydrogen gases
Mercury Closest to the sun Doesn’t have a moon Hottest planet-coldest at night No life
Venus 2 nd closest to sun Clouds made of acid No moons
Earth Supports life Has water Has atmosphere
Mars Red planet Closest planet to asteroid belt May have had life before
Jupiter Has rings Biggest gas giant All the planets could fit inside Jupiter Has a red spot (storm)
Saturn Rings made of dirt, ice, and rock Gas giant
Uranus Spins on it’s side Acid ocean that gives it blue-green look May have collided with another planet (why it is tilted) Spins backwards
Neptune Thin ring you can barely see Blue Twin of Uranus
Pluto Dwarf planet Coldest Spins back from sun
Eris Larger than Pluto Farthest from sun Newest planet known to man